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         generation celebrating the culture of not only  tween  the  two  differing  arguments.  During
         their    parents      and     grandparents,      but  this discourse, respect needs to be emphasized
         themselves,  will  help  strengthen  their  bond  from  all  participants. Too  often  is  it  that  the
         with  their  heritage  and  an  older  generation  older  generation  demands  respect  from  their
         who  holds  their  traditional  culture  close  to  younger counterparts, while the latter receives
         their heart. Next, the older generation needs to  little  in  return.  To  achieve  this  respect,  the
         be willing to adapt to the ever-changing              generational  difference  in  personal  values  or
               technological landscape of our world. In  beliefs  needs  to  be  recognized  and  acknowl-
         a  world  that  is  increasingly  dependent  on  edged while having conversations. Respectful
         technology, learning to properly utilize it will  communication will lay the groundwork for a
         help the older generation connect with young  bridged  generational  gap  in  the  Vietnamese
         people who have grown up around technology  community.
         their entire lives. However, learning to simply             It  is  evident  that  all  the  aforementioned
         use technology is insufficient; an effort must        propositions  will  be  key  to  connecting  the
         be  made  to  learn  proper  internet  etiquette  to   generations  of  Vietnamese  Americans.  Em-
         ensure  that  powerful  resources  such  as  news     ploying  all  of  these  is  no  small  feat;  change
         sites and social media are not misused in ways        takes time. Yet, an effort needs to be made in
         such  as  the  consumption  or  reproduction  of      the  current  moment. All  generations  of Viet-
         false  information.  The  consequences  of  this      namese Americans need to be willing to make
         misuse  can  be  catastrophic.  Hence,  seeking       an effort for the benefit of their communities.
         assistance from the younger generation that is        The wheels of change need to start turning in
         well-versed  in  this  technological  landscape       order  for  the  Vietnamese  communities  in
         would be auspicious.                                  America to be further prosperous.

               The most crucial step to closing the gen-             in  the  past,  I  have  contributed  hours  of
         erational gap is one that needs to be addressed       my personal time to perform and help set-up
         by  all  generations  of Vietnamese Americans:        at  multiple  events  for  both  the  Vietnamese
         Communication. It is vital to the unification of      Community  of  Oregon  and  the  Vietnamese
         any  community.  Miscommunication,  or  the           Community of Clark County. I have done so
         lack  of  communication,  is  the  root  of  many     by  singing,  performing  martial  arts,  setting/
         conflicts or misunderstandings. Thus, starting        cleaning up chairs before/after events, running
         a  dialogue  between  the  older  and  younger        games  for  children,  etc...  If  I  receive  this
         generations  of  Vietnamese  Americans  would         award, I will continue in contributing my ef-
         be  a  key  to  connecting  the  two  generations.    forts to the Vietnamese Community of Oregon
         Taking the effort to sit down with your loved         in order to help it thrive and achieve its goal
         ones  to  establish  common  ground  regarding        of  celebrating  traditional  Vietnamese  culture
         topics such as politics, education, and familial      and  the  aforementioned  vision  of  connecting
         values—all which contribute to the divide be-         multiple generations of Vietnamese people in
         tween older and younger generations—would             America
         ensure that a sense of understanding exists be-
         tween  the  generations.  Even  if  each  parties’    Thiên Từ
         opinions  stay  unchanged,  recognizing  the
         “what”  and  “why”  of  each  other’s  positions      503 349 9232
         would  help  to  overcome  the  disconnect  be-

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