Page 22 - Bản Tin Sinh Hoat Cư An Tư Nguy - 7A
P. 22


               THƯ CỦA TIẾN SĨ DON FERN                        Americans, after all these years, did much to
                              STORM                            heal the guilt I have felt for not doing enough
                                                               to  win  their  freedom  and  right  to  self-
                                                               determination. No one understands the sacri-
                                                               fices made by the U.S. Military in Vietnam like
         Thư  của  TS  Don  Fer  Strom,  cựu  chiến  binh
                                                               the Vietnamese people.
         Hoa Kỳ, Sư Đòan I Không Kỵ Hoa Kỳ đóng tại
         Bình Định  năm  1967-1968.  Đã  tham  dự  Đại  It has been almost 55 years since I returned
         hội  THCSVSQTB-QLVNCH ngày  10-9-  2022  tại  to the United States after service with the 1st
         Điện State Capitol Minnesota.                         Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in Binh Dinh Prov-
                                                               ince  in  the  Central  Highlands  of  Vietnam.  I

                                                               was  always  proud  of  my  service  in  Vietnam
         Dear Mr. Tran                                         and  the  service  of  my  fellow  Americans  in

         Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for being        that war but, I was not always thanked for my
         included in the 47th Anniversary celebration          service when I got home to my own country.
         of  emigration  to  the  United  States  by  Viet-    Many Americans chose to blame the U.S. Mili-

         namese refugees and the 70th anniversary of           tary  for  “losing”  the  war.  Nothing  is  further
         the founding of the Republic of Vietnam Mili-         from the truth. We did not lose; our political
         tary Academy. It was an honor and privilege,          leadership  pulled  the  plug  on  our  commit-
         which I will never forget.                            ment  after  the  Tet  Offensive  of  1968.  The
                                                               North Vietnamese offensive had been defeat-
         The  opportunity  to  speak  to  Vietnamese

                                              Bản Tin Sinh Hoạt Cư An Tư Nguy Số 7
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