Page 23 - Bản Tin Sinh Hoat Cư An Tư Nguy - 7A
P. 23


         ed and yet public opinion in the United States  for  an  opportunity  for  a  better  life,  than  to
         was led to  believe we were on the verge of  see  the  accomplishments  of  second-
         defeat.                                               generation  Vietnamese  Americans  to  this

                                                               great country. I know that their contributions
         Despite our inability to complete our mission
                                                               will far exceed mine.
         in  Vietnam.  I  will  never  forget  the  sacrifices
         we made in an unrewarded effort to allow the  God Bless you and all who have emigrated to

         Republic of Vietnam to establish a viable De- the  United  States  for  a  better  life.  I  salute
         mocracy,  with  freedom  and  justice  for  all.  you!
         Nothing  has  made  me  feel  better  about  my       All the best,
         service,  than  the  gratitude  shown  to  me  by
         you and other Vietnamese refugees. Nothing            Don Fern Strom
         fills me with more pride, as a second genera- C Battery 7th Battalion 13th Artillery
         tion American, whose grandparents emigrat-
                                                               Republic  of  Vietnam  Service,  October  1966-
         ed to the United States from Sweden in 1904

                                              Bản Tin Sinh Hoạt Cư An Tư Nguy Số 7
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