Page 100 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 100

garne of hide-and-seek.  A new dirnension was added by two fires burn-
          ing  at the Esso gas station at the Binh-Hoa Intersection and the Bach
          Tuyet Paint factory. Frorn these points Cornrnunist snipers had been
          harassing the advancing  troops. Though choking in the srnoky atrnos-
           phere, the Brown Berets sti1l continued their advance.  They had
          barely left the gas station when two of thern were hit.

                          The Ranger colurnn  was irnrnediately divided into srnall
          groups to search the rnany all-eys and side streets of the area while
          sorne of thern rnade a pincer rrrovernent  in order to catch the Cornrnunists
          by surprise. They received rnore V. C. sniper fire as they reached the
          paint {acto ry.
                          The fighting lasted quite a few hours ewen though the Viet
          Cong were not very nu(rerous in this particular area. The terrain
          presented irnrnense di{ficulties  which were cornplicated  by the thousands
          of civilians living in hundreds of houses and hr.rt s throughout the area,
          thus preventing governrnent troops frorn taking full advantage o{ their
                          On Z February the Forty-First  Ranger Battalion was heli-
          lifted frorn Tuy Hoa ro reinforce the Saigon battle and the {ighting in the
          Binh Hoa intersection  soon died,
                          5. elgs*he1_e    iA_qAfC_S".   Elsewhere in the capital city figh-
          ting continued  on a scattered basis. Srnall groups of infiltrators  conti-
          nued harassing friendly {orces frorn their positions in populated  areas.
          Sorne of these even included worrlen cadre,
                          In the Chinese section of Saigon enemy pressure seerned
          to increase with each passing day. Although there were no rnajor battles,
          indications were trany that two Viet  Cong battali.ons - Long An 508
          Binh Tan Six - were still  very active in the Fifth,  Sixth, Seventh  and
          Eighth Precincts. This despite heavy losses during the previous days.

                          Governrnent soldiers had to block practically all streets
          and elirninate the infiltrators  one by one to counter this threat. Firep
          had broken  out here and there and the population in threatened  areas had
          Ieft to seek greater security elsewhere.
                          Typical of the difficulty  faced r/as the situation in the
          Seventh Precinct where enerny pressure  had been acutely {elt since 3l
          January, especially  in the Binh-An Catholic diocese of Bishop Hoang-
          Quynh, one o{ South Vietnarnrs rnost noted anti  - Cornrrruni st fighters.
          For several  days the rurnor had spread around town that Fbther  Quynh
          had been killed,  This was irnrnediately  denied.

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