Page 96 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 96

Ihg-eilb-EsA      JrglL  By 2 February, with the Go Vap area
        back to norrnal, {ighting spilled over into the Binh Hoa Intersection  in
        Gia Dinh City. This section was a very populated  area with a cornpli-
        cated road systern, trVhen the 38th Ranger Battalion arrived at the
        intersection o{ Nguyen Van Hoc and Truong Cong DinhStreets'  at
        0800 hours, its {orward elernents recej.ved heavy fire  {rorn V. C' troops
        positioned along both str e et s.
                        Although supported by a colurnn of M. ll3  arrnored person-
        nel car rie r s, friendly troops restrained their 1'esponse since overreaction
        rnight have brought about many unnecessary civilian casualties'  A B' 40
        ro&et  had exploded in the path of the advancing colurnn in the very first
        rninutes  oI this battle. Although it  did no darnage, it killed a Green Beret
        and wounded  two others. For these reasons the Ranger  cornrnander
        stopped the colurnn and called upon the population to evacuate the battle
        area. The insurgents,  as they had done on previous occasions' did their
        best to prevent the civilians frorn cornplying.
                         During the relative lull that ensued,the  Cornrnunists with-
        drew to the rnany blind a11eys and side streets with the hope of hitting
        the governrnent colurnn frorn behind, It was about ten orclock  when the
        enerrly rrrovelrtent  started and it was irnrnediately reported to the Ran-
         gers, They at    once blocked the enerny route. Unable to do what they
        had set out to do,the Cornrnunists took refuge in a pagoda and a cernetery
         on Phan Van TriStreet.  They also occupied  a rnulti-storied building
         at the Binh Hoa Intersection'

                         The Rangers once rnole had to call on the population to
         leave the battle zone, telling thern that governrnent forces would attack
         the Viet  Cong force within hatf an hour. As soon as the Green Berets
         resurned  their advance,the Cornrnunist directed  a hail of bullets at
         thern. Helicopter gunships had been called and their deadly {ire soon
         rnade the situation untenable for the intruders.

                         Within rninutes after the arrival  of the gunships a  V' C'
         platoon lay dead with their weapons.  They {e11 in front of the pagoda
         where they had sought refuge. Faced with such firepower, the Cornrnu-
         nists  had no choice but to retreat in the direction of the cernetery'
         Close to the cernetery was a concrete  house which the insurgents
         prornptly  occupied.  Meanwhile the Rangers also had assaulted two
         nearby houses and ki1led three insurgents whose bodies could be seen
         frorn hundreds of yards awaY.
                         By this tirne the {ighting had developed into an imrnense

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