Page 91 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 91

actually entered the building and seized the weapon were killed.  The
          two survivors  were identified as First  Lieutenant  Pharn and            private
          First  Class Minh. As soon as Lt.  Pharn had learned of the presence
          of the heavy rnachinegun  atop the tall  building  and had received  the
          order to seize it,he and his handful of rnen tried to penetrate the rnas-
          sive building by clirnbing up waterspouts in order to catch the enerny
          by surprise, Pharn and his rnen kil1ed the Cornrnunists in a rapid
          exchange of gunfire, Losing the rnachinegun,  enerny troops withdrew
          frorn the area.
                          Subsequent  developrnents  in this general area proved that
          Lt.  An was correct in ordering  the capture  of the rnachinegun  at any
          cost. At the tirne the Cornrnunists began infi.ltrating this part of the
          city,they had assurned that governrnent reinforcernent  would be brought
          to the race track by helicopters. Their trernendous  efforts to bring
          the heavy weapon to the top floor o{ the Golden Willow Building was
          understandable in the light of their intention to use it  against the troop-
          carrying choppers when these should arrive.

                          As predicted,  barely two hours after the heavy rnachinegun
          was seized, a sizeable reinforcernent  group was dispatched to the
          nearby race track aboard huge Chinook helicopters. The choppers
          followed one another to this potentially rnost vulnerable target area.
          Military  cornrnanders later refused to speculate what rnight have happen
          i{ the ideally located heavy rnachinegun had not been captured by Lt.  An
          and his rnen.

                          The Phu-Tho Battle lasted nearly two days resulting in
          98 Cornrnunists dead and two prisoners,  Governrnent troops also cap-
          tured one heavy rnachinegun,  four 8.40 individual rocket launchers
          and four other crew-served weapons as well as destroying another two
                          After norrnalcy was restored in this area,the Ranger
          battalion  dispatched one of its cornpanies to reinforce  governrnent
          troops on the Hang Xanh front  1ine. This was done because during the
          night of the third  Cay of the Year of the Monkey Cornrnunist in{iltrators
          again appeared  in the area o{ Binh Hoa after being dislodged frorn Go
          Vap. In the area of Hang-Xanh itself the 3Oth Ranger Battalion was
          involved in a series of srnal1 actions agai.nst a group of stray Viet  Cong
          infiltrators,  Overall the battalion was rrrore involved  with relief work
          than with  cornbat, following  its victories two days earlier.

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