Page 89 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 89

Prior to the Ranger encirclernent  movernent, however,
          the Ranger  cornrnander had ordered one of his cornpanies  and a recon-
          naissance  squad to take advantage of the enernyrs preoccupation  v/ith
          the fighting on Nguyen Tri  Phr.1dng, Nguyen Tieu I-a and Da
          Streets to penetrate  the area delineated by Nguyen Kirn, Nguyen Larn
          anci Nguyen van Thoai Boulevards. This created  what Vo Nguyen Giap
          called a situation  of inte r.rningled  presence with troops of both sides
          j.ntertwined   in a rnost confused line of battle. The enerny was also
          present at Lu Gia quarters, Nguyen Van ThoSi and Thiec Market.
          Following  the initial  defeat of the Viet Cong,both  sides ternporarily
          stopped their firing,thus giving the civilian population a chance to
          leave the battle zone.
                          A three pronged attack was launched  after the population
          had been evacuated,  which was around I000 hours. The Ranger batta-
          lion attacked frorn three sides and elernents o{ an engineer unit, the
          Tenth Transportation Battalion, and sorne field policernen  effectively
          supported the attack. Sorne Brown Berets rnade close contact with V.
          C. positions  on Nguyen Kirn, Nguyen Van Thoai and Le Dai Hanh
          Streets -
                          Within rninutes the Nguyen Tri  Phuong area disappeared
          in a screen of srnoke and fire with explosions  of all sorts shaking  the
          atrnosphere.  Helicopter gunships struck at enerny positions, adding to
          the confusion of the intruders, who were left with no alternative but to
          withdraw. Sorne of the Cornrnunist troops took refuge in the Childrenrs
          Hospital and other srnall groups scattered as best they could. Sorne of
          thern, Iike the three Viet-Cong who rnistook  the Dao Duy Tu Carnp {or
          a school,  were irnrnediately killed.

                          The bulk o{ the enerny force, however, succeeded in
          retreating  in the direction of the Le Dai Hanh and Lu-Gia quarter
          adjacent to the race track.  The governrnent troops rnaintained  conti-
          nuing contact.with the enerny and, in following thern step by step,
          destroyed  one rnachinegun  position near the Cong-Hoa  Stadiurn  and
          captured another on Nguyen Van Thoai Boulevard.

                          The attacking troops found a wheel-rnounted  rnachinegun
          in another portion of the battle area. This deadly weapon was located
          on the top lloor of the six-storied Golden Willow Building  on Tran
          Quoc Toan Boulevard,  Its capture  was rnade possible by the extraordi-
          nary courage of Rangers  of the First  Cornpany  under the cornrnand of
          Lieutenant  Nguyen-Ngoc-An.  Two of the four officers and rnen who

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