Page 92 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 92

4.  T!9_GS_L4!_ryqnt.  The Go Vap front was continuously
        active frorn the beginning of the Tet offensive. Enerny strength ln this
        area consisted o{ Battalion Cu Chi One and another battalion frorn the
        l01st Regirnent.  This initial  force     ..lras  strengthened with elernents of
        the Second Mechanized Battalion  of the         rrRrr  Cornrnand. This colurnn had
        penetrated  Saigon after joining with another  c olurnn consisting o{ Batta-
        lion Go Mon Two and a sapper unit called. J.I/I00.
                        Arriving  near its  de stination,  thi s force again divided itself

        into two. The first  colurnn  went through the village o{ An Nhon for an
        attack on the logistics area of Go Vap. The second colurnn followed the
        railroad track for an attack on the Joint General  Staf{ through Gate
        Nurnber Four on the northeastern  side of the sprawling headquarter

                        The first  colurnn attacked  Go Vap in the early hours of
        31 January. They occupied Phu Dong and Co Loa Carnps,  respectively,
        the Headquarters of the Arrnored Branch and the Artillery  Branch,
        having driven off  sorne of the garrisoning troops and killed the rest.
        The Cornrnunist also attacked  Base 80 of the Ordnance Branch and Base
        50 of the C ornrnuni cation s Branch.  The latter assaults, however, did
        not succeed.

                        The enerny assault on Base Carnp 80 was repulsed rnainly
        with grenades and well directed fire frorn three heavy rnachineguns
        located atop the carnp, Major Doan Du Khuong,  who cornrnanded  the
        carnp at the tirne, $ras directing the counterfire when he was hit in
        the face and  instantly killed.

                        The second Cornrnunisit  colurnn cornrnenced their attack
        on Gate Nurnber Four rnuch 1ater. Starting their assault by about 0700
        hours,they succeeded in penetrating  the area but were irnrnediately
        pinned down in the buildings  of the Arrned Forces Languages  School.
        Two hours later airborne troops, arriving as reinforcernents,  conducted
        a counterattack with a few M.4I tanks leading the attack.
                        Cornrnunist resistance  irr this area was fierce.  Taking
        advantage of extensive fortifications  and rnultistoried  buildings  on Vo
        Di Nguy boulevard, V. C. troops kept the crack paratroopers at a
        distance. One of the tanks was destroy.ed  and a nurnber of governrnent
        soldiers were wounded in a day-long seesaw battle that saw no winner
        or loser in this first  day of fighting.

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