Page 87 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 87

The battle of Hang Xanh had corne to an end. In the course
         of 60 hours of  uninterrupted  fighting the enerny had lost 85 killed,
         three prisoners,  and a significant nurnber of weapons.  The loss includ-
          ed  ZZ individual weapons, 5 B.40 individual rocket launchers and
         another five crew-served  weapons.  On the friendly side twelve Rangers
         were killed along with two rnernbers of the arrnored  colurnn; another
         25 were wounded and one M, 113 arrnored  car was destroyed.
                          Most rernarkable  of all was the srnall nurnber of civilians
         killed during the long battle. Although  Hang Xanh had an estirnated
         i0,000 inhabitant  s, only two were killed by stray bullets although sorne
         5,000 were to becorne horneless  refugees.

                          3.  hg_PhC-!  L9_B9!!19. In the Western suburb of           phu
         Tho the enemy strength consisted rnainly of Battalion Binh-Tan  Six,
         which had penetrated the city without  encountering too rnany difficulties.
         By 0330 hours the intruders had fu1l control of the race track and the
         neighboring area. Frorn this vicinity they rnounted an attack on the
         field police station but were repulsed, thanks to the strong fortifica-
         tions within the police  cornpound.
                         The Thirty-Eighth Ranger Battalion,  which had been
         assigned the rnission  of restoring order in this region, had arrived on
         the scene in the early hours of 31 January. Under the cornrnand of
         Captain Dinh Trong Cuong the crack troops debarked on Tran euoc
         ToanBoulevard  and frorn there rnoved in the direction of the Nguyen
         Tri  Phuong lvfarket. At the corner of Petrus Ky and Tran Quoc Toan
         Boulevards Captain Cuong ordered his troops to spread out and then
         they attacked the Cornrnunists frontally  and frorn behind.
                         The infiltrators,  however, were not going to let govern-
         rnent troops overiun thern easily. They had organized  thernselves  in
         two or three-storied buildings,  especially those bordering on srnall
         alleys. They were strongest along Nguyen Tieu La and Nguyen Tri
         Phuong  Boulevards. When governrnent troops appeared  in that general
         area,a hail o{ bullets greeted the Rangers, starting one of the rnost
         savage battles in Saigon.

                         iVhen the frontal assault  troops {ai1ed to end Cornrnunist
         resistance,the  second Ranger  colurnn hit the enerny frorn behind.
         This-very iirst  encounter in the Phu Tho area caused the Cornrnunists
         to hastily withdrew  in the direction of Trieu Da, Nguyen Kirn,
         Nguyen Larn and Nguyen Van Thoai Streets,

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