Page 82 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 82

Possibly  because of the relatively 1ow exchange  o{ fire.  Shots and ex-
          plosions could be heard interrnittently until dawn'  P,y then Captain Sarrh
          had ordered his troops into three colurnns ready to rnove against the
          enerny. Sanh also  r had ordered his soldier to tell the civilian popula-
          tion to evacuate the area prior to c ounte rattacking  at ten orclock.
                          Sorne of the people living in this region had left for rnore
          secure zones by eight  o'c1ock' Yet quite a large number of civilians,
          especially  in the Cau Son area, could not get out' A Brown Beret column,
          starting frorn Newport a little  before noon,rnoved cautiously through
          populated  areas of Thi Nghe with the intention of hitting the  enerry
          frorn behind. The fighting  became intense frorn the very {irst  rninute.
                          At approxirnately the sarne tirne another Ranger colurnn,
          starting frorn the Buddhist  pagoda bordering  on the Bien Hoa Highway
          assaulted the Cornrnunist {orce entrenched in the police station and
          sorne houses nearby. Only individual weaPons were used in order to
          rninirnize civilian casualties .  Both governrnent soldiers and Cornrnu -
          nist troops closely watched  one another. At nightfall this rnutual obser -
          vation was facilitated  by the glare of flares hanging in the sky.
                          The following day governrnent  soldiers again told the
          civilian population to evacuate the area prior to calling in air  strikes
          against known V. C. positions' The civilian population  departed frorn

          the area before the planes arrived and strafed Cornrnunist  Positions'
          The opposing trooPs rernained  face to face {or their inevitable  confron-
          tation, Early in the afternoon  a colurnn of M, 4I tanks and M' I l3
          arrnored cars arrived,opening the way for the advancing governrnent
          foot soldiers.
                           Captain Sanh was leading his battalion while rnoving in
          the direction of Cau Son bridge. The arrnored  colurnn  had barely
           covered 200 yards when a deafening  explosion was heard which set the
           leading car afire and killed two soldiers while wounding two others'
           The Ranger cornrnander escaped unscathed. Having observed the
           origin of the warhead., Captain Sanh directed fire  on the B. 40 position'
          An hour later his troops found three Viet Cong dead beside a B' 40
           rocket launcher and an M.79 grenade launcher.
                           The colurnn of advancing trooPs soon had to stop its
           thrust. An irnrnense fire was devastating the area {rorn Hang-Xanh  to
           the breeding farrn which was adrninistered by Lasan Brothers in Thi
           Nghe. Viet  Cong elernents, taking advantage of the conflagration,
           withdrew to outlying  areas     '

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