Page 77 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 77

costs. They knocked down one of the towers with their B.40 individual
          rocket launchers, killing  seven o{ the defenders and wounding the
           rernaining five,  Isolated, the troops in the other outpost withdrew  rrorn
          the advancing enerny.

                          At 0520 hours the intruders a.rvanced  toward the end of
          the airstrip  where they could see dozens o{ airplanes of al1 types parked
          a bare 600 yards away.At that very rnornent two M.8 tanks appeared
          followed by a cornposite collection of vehicles bringing a stil1 rnore
          varied collecti.on of soldiers. This group included staff o{{icers of the
          33rd Air  lVing and paratroopers frorn two reinforcernent  cornpanies
          which were dispatched that rnorning for the protection of Yice President
          Nguyen Cao Ky.

                          The very firstfriendly  rounds hit the Cornrnunists when
          they were 400 yards {rorn the airstrip.  The intruders hastili/ tried to
          seek cover but found none in this open fie1d. At that rnornent the two
          tanks irnrnediately  rnade a pincer rnovernent,  leaving  the {rontal attack
          to the cornbined Air  Force-Airborne cornbined group. The Cornrnunists,
          unable to resist the rnounting pressure,  withdrew to the towers they
          had just destroyed,  A single friendly assault  wave resulted in the
          capture o{ one of the OF' s.

                          It was soon learned that aI1 l62 intruders  were killed.
          They are now buried in a rnass grave Air  Force bulldozers  had to dig
          for thern at the southern end of the Tan Son Nhut airstrip.

                          Lieutenant Colonel Luu Kirn Cuong, cornrnander of the
          33rd          took personal control of this counterattack.  Although
          Cuong was wounded in the 1eg at the very beginning of the operation,
          he was continuously  present at the side of his cornrades-in-arrns.
          Besides Colonel  Cuong rnany other airrnen distinguished  thernselves,
          especially Lieutenant Tran Ngoc Chan and sorne ll  servicernen who
          spearheaded the reoccupation  of the two OF's. Major Phung               Van Chieu,
          who was wounded near the eyes, and Lieutenant  Tran  Van Loc, who was
          hit three tirnes while using the rnachinegun  on top of a tank, also were
          arnong the heroes of the day.

                          Had the 33 rd Air  Wing cornrnand reacted sorne ten rninutes
          later than they did,the Cornrnunists rnight have .invaded  the parking lot
          and its nerve center.

                           About a quarter  of an hour earlier two cornpanies  of the
          Eighth Airborne Battalion had been dispatched to the Vinatexco factory

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