Page 78 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 78

        where rninutes later they clashed with the Cornrnunists.                   the sup-
         port of gunships and fighter-bornbers  they kept the situation under
         control. At about this sarne tirne a U. S. arrnored  colurnn,  passing
         through this area, was attacked by the V, C. who succeeded in destroy-
              two vehicles. Quick reaction by the Arnericans  not only resulted in
         ing  1
         keeping  the road open but also {orced the Cornrnunists out of OF. 51-51
         and caused thern to retxeat in the direction of the Vinatexco factory,

                their de{eat at the southwestern  end of the air
         strip,the enerny returned to the Vinatexco factory to           Prepare   for the next
         round. They did not have tirne to do anything.  The paratroopers,  in
         conjunction with the Air  Force,pushed  their attack on the textile factory
         and practically  annihilated all rnernbers  of the V. C. Z67th Battalion.
         Norrnaley was restored in the area.

                         Z. The Northeastern  Front V. C. troops carne to the suburb
         of Hang Xanh after going through such areas as Vuon Trau and Giong
         Ong To in the district of Thu Duc. The enerny had concentrated Battalion
         Di An Three in this area since the first  day of the Year of the Monkey.
         They prevented the population  frorn leaving the area rnany hours before
         the attack actually began,in order to rnaintain  secrecy.

                         Around 0200 hours on the second day of the Year o{ the
         Monkey the enerny attacked the Hang Xanh Police Station with big guns,
         irnrnediately  destroying the protecting wal1 of the station.  The attack
         was followed by a ground assault in the course of which the attackers
         killed sorne of the policernen  standing guard. They ransacked the
         place, throwing papers  and docurnents  a1l around.
                         In the rneantirne the 3Oth Ranger Battalion  had received
         the order to rnove frorn its base carnp in Thu Duc toward the capital
         city.  It arrived at the Hang Xanh area in the early hours of 3l  January
         but was not aware of the presence of the Cornrnunists at the gates of
         Saigon. The Ranger  colurnn  was rnoving at a hair-raising speed when
         it  carne under fire  {rorn Yiet  Cong troops lurking on both sides of the
         road and firing frorn two storied houses near the police station.
                         The lead vehicle was hit by a B. 40 rocket and irnrnedia -
         tely caught fire.  Although two Rangers were killed and another two
         wounded,the  crack troops reacted speedily  advancing  in the direction
         of the enerny rlachinegun positions. Under the c ornrnand  of Captain
         Phan Van Sanh they used their arnrnunition  sparingly since the civi-
         lian population  had not been able to leave the area.

                         Viet Cong troops left the Nguyen Duy Khang  Hish School,

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