Page 73 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 73

'   Battalion 4 Thu-Duc or 4f t65l- had the role o{ cutting
           the Bien-Hoa Highway.
                           I  Battalion  Binh-Tan Six or 6/165,.  was in charge of

          the area of Phu -Tho and Ba -Hat.
                           I  Battalion Long-An  508 was to control the area of Binh_
          T -y.
                           I  Special  Group F. 100 had the rnission  of attacking  the
           radio station,  Gate Five of Tran Hung Dao Carnp, the Navy headquar-
          ters,  the U.S. Ernbassy, and the Philippine Ernbassy.

                           To rneet this threat the South Vietnarnese Arrny brought
          as rnany troops as possible to Saigon- As of4  February total ARVN
          strength in Saigon had reached  ten battalions, not including the thou-
          sands of policernen  in the capital.

          Operation Tran Hung Dao

                          On 5 February  1968 an operation code narned            rrOperation
          T ran -Ltr/ng -Daotr   .was  launched under the direct cornmand of General
          Cao Van Vien,         Chief of the Joint General Staff, Its  purpose was to
          speedily elirninate the Cornrnunist  threat in S:rigon. Major General
          Tran Thanh Phong, Chief of Staff, was to serve as Chief of Staff and
          Brigadier General Cao Hao Hon as Vice Chief of Staff of the operating

                          Operation  Tran Hung Dao narned after the nationrs
          greatest 1616 -  three tirnes victor over the Mongolian hordes seven
          centuries  ago -  was to take place in Saigon and the neighboring  areas,
          Saigon, originally consisting of five tactical areas of responsibility
          was given a sixth such area which was entrusted to U. S. troops. The
          five subdiwisions under South Vietnarnese  responsibility  were as
          follows  :
                          Zone   ttAtt  under the reponsibility  of Major General Du
          Quoc Dong, cornrnander of the Airborne  Division.  Zone             trBr  with
          Colonel Nguyen Thanh Yen, deputy cornrnander of the Marine Corps,
          Zone   'Cr   with Brigadier General Nguven Ngoc Loan, Director General
          of the National Police. Zone       ttDtt  with Colonel Tran Van Hai, cornrnan-
          der of the Ranger troops. Zone  Ett with Brigadier General Ngo Dzu.
          And Zone    trFrr  was entrusted  to the U. S. High Cornrnand (See chart).

                          Zone A.  Zone     ttAtt  was rnade the responsibility  of the

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