Page 68 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 68

rNorth  Northeast  o{ the rnetropolis the enerny occupied  the
          Hang Xanh area with the intentlon of attacking  the Gia Dinh rnilitary
          district headquarters and rnaking their presence felt on the Bien-Hoa
                          r1.{est  o{ Saigon a Viet  Cong colurnn     Penetrated    the regions
          of Phu-Tho and Ba-H?t.
                          Two Viet-Cong units, which at the tirne were in the Thu
          Duc and Hoc Mon districts,  were active around the Thu Duc district
          headquarters and the Quang Trung rnilitary training camp.
                          In the downtown section of Saigon V. C. sapper troops
          assaulted their assigned targets while their cornrades frorn the outlying
          areas did their best to occupy  populated areas, thus forcing Allied
          garrisons to be spread. They {ailed in a1l atternpts for the very sirnple
          reason that their few troops were deployed  against too rnany targets.
          Although operating right within our back yards, they could not exploit
          this tactical advantage. As the sun rose again,enerny  troops outside  of
          and within the city could not assernble for a coordinated  attack'

                          The following rnorning the South Vietnarnese high corn-
          rnand had the situati.on well under control,  not only in Saigon            r;ut
          throughout  the nation as well,  During all these troubled  hours JGS was
          constantly  in control o{ rnilitary oPerations throughout the nation'
          Despite the difficulties  of the rnornent, JGS succeeded in bringing  a
          few srnal1 units back to the capital city for its liberation.
                          In the first  hours of the carnpaign the Cornrnunists left the
          Aa'rericans  very rnuch alone. Except for an attack on the U. S, Ernbassy,
          the rnany U. S. rnilitary  and civilian installations throughout  the
          elongated country  rernained untouched.

                          At the start of the Tet offensive only two general reserve
          battalions were in Saigon, the First  and Eighth Airborne Battalions.
          They were preparing  to go to the northernrrro st part o{ the Republic to
          help with the battle of Khe Sanh and another battle in the Highlands.

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