Page 64 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 64

In recounting  these actions we have rnore often than not
        veered frorn straight reporting and inserted sorrle           Personal   feelings
         and irnpreseions,  Sornetirnes  we also have included our own or local
         rnilitary cornrnandersr assessrnents of the situation in their areas of
         responsibiLity,  to include the shortcornings  as well as the assets of
        the con{ronting  troops, These observations, of course,  cannot be
         completely objective but our arnbition is to supply our readers with as
         unbiased an account of the events of I968 as possible' We wish to give
         all concerned, especially students of rnilitary affairs,  an opportunity
        to assess the general situation on its own rnerits and forrnulate their
         private  opinions,
                         Although  far {rorn being a cornplete account of what took
         place in the nationts four corps areas during the Cornrnunist trUinter-
         Spring Carnpaign,  it is our feeling that it includes enough data to
         assess the Viet Cong offensive as a failure.  Since the offensjve  was a
         catastrophe  of rnajor proportions for the aggressors it  contained  the
         seeds of rnany later political  and military  developments  that can only
         be helpful in achieving a just and lasting peace for the people of South
         Viet -Narn.


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