Page 60 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 60

seemed  to have reli.ed rnilitarily  on guerrilla warfare tactics, arnended
         to sorne extent to fit the conditions of city fighting.

                         One week after the May offensive was started Cornrnunist
         intruders  were swept out of Saigon. On 25 May they were back. They
         infiltrated frorn the Northern outskirts of Gia Dinh and the Southern
         outskirts near the     rrY   bri.dge. They again applied the tactics of
         hugging  populated areas and frorn these to strike at sweeping goverrr-
         rne nt troops.
                         In this second atternpt enemy units fully exploited  the
         shortcornings of friendly security be1ts. Enerny presence was only
         discovered after they had penetrated the cityrs outlying areas. North
         Yietnarnese troops took the trouble of occupying  such key points as big
         buildings,  {actories, churches  and ternples before going on the attack in
         ar-y area. They also used such open areas as parks and cerneteries
         where they speedily dug trenches and other defensive installations  .
                         AIter securing the occupation of a target area the intru-
         ders would irnrnediately  agk for reinforcernents.  The new troops would
         take advantage of darltness to rnove in by srnall groups, These troops,
         however,  were extrernely well-equipped  and their firepower was
         cornparable to that of any such forrnation  in the world.
                         The cornposition  of these groups were rnostly troops that
         had had sorne rest after a previous  atternpt  against the big city.  In
         principle  they were to take turns in attacking Saigon" so that the V. C.
         rnilitary pressure rnight be constantly rnaintained against this political
         center.  A1go, in their e{fort to bring guerrilla warfare to the cities,
         Viet Cong troops unable to resist {riendly pressure  in one area would
         rnove to another  and start the whole process all over again.

                         In adopting such a strategy the Cornrnunist High Cornrnand
         was willing to accept sorne casualties in exchange  Ior the understanda-
         bly heavy logses friendly troops would su{fer in attacking  the buildings
         Cornrnunist troops had turned into strongholds. On the whole the enerny
         did not concentrate  his troops but divided thern into rnany squad-size
         groups with the instruction  to fight until the end.

                         Against this background one understands why the advanging
         friendly     troops rnet with so rnany dif{iculties and in sorne cases had
         to call in air power and artillery. They were not the only ones to resort
         to artillery  and bornbs against  populated areas. The Viet Cong, while
         continuing the second wave of attacks,  pounded residential  areas with

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