Page 55 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 55

The rnost pressing task tvas to assist war victirns. Presi-
            dent Thieu, in an address to the nation on Z February,  started a rnonth-
            long fund-raising  carnpaign to which each governrnent ernployee  and
            servicernan contritruted  one- thirtieth of his rnonthly pay. The central
            Relief Cornrnittee was rnade the  responsibility  of Vice President
            Nguyen  Cao Ky.

                            These rneasures,  as well as what the corrrrnon people had
            witnessed  during the battles in the cities,  resulted in a most encoura-
            ging developrnent,  Frorn a peaceful situation in which ";eople had been
            cornplacent enough to believe  the country was safe, li i;--: in the cities
            was exposed  to intense  and sudden dangers. Awareness  of the real
            situation and seeing the fighting spirit of governrnent  soldiers  rnade
            thern feel rnore confident in the possibility of defeating the enerny.
                            The new psychological reality was rnost evidently reftected
            in the attitude of the young generation in response  to callup orders.
            Prior to Tgt   it was a rnatter of public knowledge that Vietnarnese youths
            dreaded  nothing rnore than being drafted into the Arrny. Following the
            V. C. attacks on the citi e s,thous ands of draft-aged  boys did not even
            '$'ait for individual callup papers. Tens of thousands  joined  the Arrny

                            lVithin one rnonth following  the Cornrnunist attacks the
            Vietnarnese Arrny not only had enough  replacernents  {or its depleted
            ranks but also found rnost of its rnanpower  problerns solved, as if by
            rnagic.  Most units becarne overstrength  after years of being under-
            strength. In addition to forrner servicernen  and new recruif,s,  who
            voluntarily joined in the fight, quite a few delinquent  servicernen
            i.rnprisoned  for petty crirnes were given the chance to redeern thern-
            selves if they 6hou1d volunteer for cornbat duties, Many of thern did.

                            Another  encouraging sign was the  equipping  of all cornbat
            troops with the new M. l6 rifles.  With this ne!r' standard weapon,South
            Vietnarneee troops not only attained  rnuch better individual firepower
            but seerned  also to acquire a new fighting spirit that had been lacking
           with the obsolete M. l.

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