Page 51 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 51

The Viet Cong call this the       rrone  point, two frontrr tactic
          while western strategists terrn it         rrfeintrr,


                           Although casualties do not constitute the rnost reliable
          rneasure by which to asse6s the success or failure of a rnilitary carn-
          paign in the Vietnarn walr, a cornparison  of losses suJfered by both
           sides during the crucial rnonths of February and March - the first
          phase of  the Viet Cong Tet offensive - rnay give an indication  of the
          general trend of the situation.

                           Following are figures of losses recorded by the Joint
          General Staff of the Republic  of Vietnarn Arrned Forces for the first
          phase of the Viet  Jong Winter-Spring Carnpaign  (February-March
          1968). This period was rnarked by the unprecedented  attacks on the
          cities of South Vietnarn  during the lunar New Year. These figures also
          include the second wave of assaults  which began  17 February as well
           a6 the various  srnaller actions recorded until the  end of March.

                           J. Friendly Losses:
                     (a)  South Vietnarne  se Per sonnel              F ebruarv       Mar ch
                         Killed in Action  .                           3,501         I,453
                         Wounded in Action                            10,578         4,4t9
                         Mis sing in Action                               543           383
                                                 TOTAL                74,722         6, 255

                     (b) AlLied Per sonnel    bae-L4v-g=-q-.)
                         Killed in Action                              z, 832        r,292
                         Wounded  in Action                            15 ,832       3,453
                         Mis sing in Action                                352

                                                 TOTAL                 19, 016       4, 997
                     (.)  Weapon  Lo s se s (911X_grr\)
                         Crew-Served Weapons .            .                r05           /o
                         Individual  Weapons                            I ,418          74t
                                                   TOTAL                 1  E.2 A       819

                     (d)  Airc raf t Los ses (i4erd (t)
                          Cornpletely  Destroyed ,          .                63           60
                          Heavily Darnaged                                 r54            60
                          Slightly Darnaged                                  99          rr6
                                                   rorAl  (2)              316           236

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