Page 53 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 53

in I Corps declined by at least Z0 per cent.

                            In the highland and coastal provinces  (II Corps),less  des_
           truction  was reported than elsewhere.  About 1,I00 civilians were
           killed and an estirnated  4,000  wounded while the nurnber s of houses
           cornpletely destroyed o1 partially  darnaged were given  as l Z, 000 and
           4, 000 respectively, The'status  of road.s in this part of the country
           revealed no significant changes,  Prior  to and following Tet,large con,
           voys still  needed an escort elernent for their security.
                           The irnpact of the Cornrnpnist general offensive  was rnuch
           Iess evident in provinces surrounding  Sa[gon (III Corps).  Here the
           Governrnent controlled  up to 82 per cent of         .i;he  population before Tet
           and the Viet Cong only about five per cent. Except for Saigon there
           were only I88 civi.Iians dead, about one thousand wounded., and 10,000
           houses destroyed in all of III Corps, In the area of Saigon,  however,
           there were 6,300 civilians killed,  11,000 wounded and a total of 19,000
           houses destroyed,creating  over 205, 000 refugees.

                           In the Mekong Delta (IV Corps) sorne 1, 300 dead and
           3,700 wounded  were listed arnong the civilian population,  prior             to Tet,
           there had been only I4,000 refugees in all of IV Corps but this *"
           be brought to I70,000 after the Corn.nunigt attack. Irnrnediately  fol_
           lowing these attacks cornrnunication  on land experienced  sorne difficul-
           ties but transportation on rivers  and canals continued to be quite satis-
           factory, Shortages of rice were reported only in very exceptional  cases.

                           In closing,it can be said that eleven towns and cities suf_
           fered extensive  darnage,  They were Konturn,          pleiku,   Ban Me Thuot,
           My Tho, Ben Tre,  Vinh Long, Chau Doc, Can Tho, Saigon,  Hue and
           Phan Thiet.
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