Page 52 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 52

2. Enernv Losses  :
                    (") NVA and VC Per sonnel                  Februarv             March

                                                                41, r8r           I7,I92
                        Killed (by body count)  .
                         Captured                                7,39r              2,070
                                                IOTAL           48  , 572         r9,262

                    (b) Weapon  Lossee

                        -  Captured by RVN Troops :
                          Crew-Served Weapons  .                                      837
                          Individual  Weapons ..,                3,241              L,646

                        - Captured by Allied Troops :
                          Crew-Served Weapons  .                                      491
                          lndividual Weapons                     5,838              4  463
                                                 TOTAL          12  ,  o0z          5,437

                         Though the Iosses reported by both arrnies were consid-
         erable'' the casualties suffered by the civilian population were
         drarnatic. Although no accurate statistics are available there were
         approxirnately  14,300 killed,  24,000 wounded, 72,00O  houses destroyed,
         and 627,000 persons rnade horneless.
                         Destruction  was nation-wide but it differed greaily frorn
         one part of the country to another. In the northern provinces  (f Corps),
         where an estirnated 5,500 North Vietnarnese attacked the forrner
         irnperial capital of Hue and occupied its citadel lor 26 daye, an esti-
         rnated 4,350 civilians were killed including  2000 citizens of Hue and
         another 4,500 were wounded in the conflagration. As two-thirds of Hue
         was totally destroyed,  sorne 90, 000 people out of a total population  of
         130,000 were rnade refugees  in their horne town. Trade  and comlrrerce

         (l)included here are aircraft  o{ all types lost due to enerny rnortar
            attacks, ground fire,  or for technical  reasons.
         (Z) Of the February tol1, 68 aircraft were shot down, 32 lost for tech-
            nical reasons, and 205 destroyed or darnaged  while on the ground.
            Of the March toll,  38 were shot down, 67 lost for technical  reason,
            116 destroyed or darnaged  in the course of enerny rnortar attacks,
            {ive in the course of ground assaults,  and ten were lost for unknown

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