Page 54 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 54

The May Offensive

                          The second  phase of the Cornrnunist Winter-Spring
          Carnpaign, which journalists were to call          trthe  May Offensiverr, was

          launched 5 May 1968.
                          Following their failure to achieve anything of lasting
          effect in the first  days of the Tet attacks, the  C ornrnuni sts launched
          a second wave of attacks on I? February with the apparent airn of
          ernulating  their cornrades  in Hue who were still  rnaintaining a hold on
          the forrner irnperial capital. The assaults were airned rnainly  at
          Saigon but enerny trooPs were stopPed at the gates of the capital' Also
          on 5 March the insurgents shelled many South Vietnarnese cities but
          this  last atternPt aroused  only rninor interest. Frorn 5 March until
          the beginning  of the second phase of the offensive, enerny activities
          f ollowed their usual pattern and intensity.

                           The South Vietnarnese  adrninistration reacted rnost cau-
          tiously taking additional  precautionaly rrreasures  for the defense  of
          potential target areas, especially  Saigon. knrnediately  after ttie first
          wave of attacks a curfew was placed in effect throughout  the territory'
          As early as 28 February,  Prirne Minister Nguyen Van Loc signed  a
          decree stopping the dernobilization  of al1 conscripts and recalling a1I
           reserve  elernents.
                           Beginning  in March all rnale teaching  staffs between the
           ages of 18 and 45 were ordered to go through sorne rnilitary training'
           They *e"e  to be followed by university  students and senior high school
           pupils. The youths were also organized  into uni'ts ready to take part
           in the def ense of their  home towns.
                           In rnany provincial capitals self-defense grouPs  were
           forrned upon the initiative of the local iuthorities.  These were to be
           later incorporated  into a nation-wide  rnovernent  called the Peoplers
           Self-Defense Force  (PSDF). At ttre sarne tirne political parties  and
           organizations  also showed  a renewed interest in organizing thern-
           selves into an e{fective  anti-  C ornrnuni st instrurnent'  The National
           Salvation Front (NSF) was created and it  soon elected  a steering
           c ornrnittee under ihe chairrnanship of Senator Tran Van Don' While
           President  Nguyen Van Thieu was considering the advisability  of order-
           ing general rnobilization  and dra{ting all rnen between the ages of 18
           and 40, the 500,000 strong Arrned Forces were put on a state of full
           alert. Troops were also ordered to Strengthen  their defensive positions.

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