Page 57 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 57

stations,  and other key agenciesrr.

                            Arrny units in Saigon irnrnediately were put in state of 100
            per cent alertness, While additional precautionary  measures  were
            taken in the Capital Military District,  U. S. airrnobile troops were
            dispatched  to the Ashau Valley which was known to contain an irnportant
            depot of the North Vietnarnese Arrny (t'tVA).  In this operation over 200
            helicopters were depl.oyed on Z8 April.  Right after this,a South Viet-
            namese airborne task force was dispatched  to join in the battle. Although
            Cornrnunist resistance was weak their anti-aircraft fire was so very
            intense that 30 o{ the helicopters  were downed. This, however,  was
            rnore than adequately cornpensated by the weapons and arnrnunition
            confiscated  by the sweeping troops.

                            U. S, diplornats continued to rneet with their North Viet-
            narnese counterparts in Laos in an effort to reach an agreelnent  on the
            site of the proposed parley, The rnany rneetings between U. S. Arnbas -
            sador Williarn H, Sullivan and Nguyen  Chan, the General  Representative
            of North Vietnarn in Vientiane, finally resulted in a cornmunique  issued
            on 3 May proclairning  the choice of Paris as the site for the prelirninary
            talks between Hanoi and trVashington.
                            The first  session of the parley was fixed for 10 May. In
            the rneanwhile both sides had rnade public the cornposition  of their
            delegations.  On the Arnerican side, W. Averrell Harrirnan was selected
            to head the peace rnission. Mr. Harrirnan  was to be assisted by Cyrus
            Vance, Special Adviser to the U, S, President,  General Andrew
            Goodpaster,and Mr.  trVilliarn Jordan. Jordan was a leading specialist
            {or Vietnarnese  a{{airs on the staff of the National Security  Council
            and also perforrned the functions of Assistant  Secretary  of State for
   Eastern Affairs.
                            On the North Vietnarnese  side the Hanoi delegation was to
            be headed  by Minister of State Xuan Thuy who reportedly would have
            the assistance  of Colonel Ha Van Lau, Nguyen Minh Vy, Nguyen
            Thanh Le, and others. Lau had served for rnany yeara as Chief of the
            North Vietnarnese Delegation in charge of liaison with the International
            Control Cornrnission,  Le was also to serve as official  spokesrnan for
            the Cornrnunist tearn,
                            The Paris Conference finally carne into being but the war
            in Vietnarn  also increased in intensity,  Although it  was the view of
            practically al1 knowledgeable observers that the conflict would not die
            down, they did not agree on how and when and where it would be fought,

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