Page 58 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 58

One had to wait until the eve of May Day to see a first  indication  of the
          new face of the war.
                          On that day a big explosion was heard in Saigon,  rocking
          the downtown section  of the Vietnarnese  capital. The Viet Cong had
          tried to blow up the televigion center with over one hundred pounds  o{
          TNT hidden in a taxicab. It exploded at 1300 hours killing three  Peraon6,
          wounding another thirty  ,  and destroying a house near the TV station
          but leaving the center intact. For rnany the explosion was the signal for
          an offensive campaign against Saigon to be launched the following day'

                          A bare 24 hours after it was known that U. S. and North
          Vietnarnese  representatives  were to rneet in Paris, Viet  Cong troops
          hit the capital city o{ Saigon.  The attack started at 0310 hours on May
          Day with a series of indiscrirninate  shellings o{ population  centers
          which were to be followed by ground attacks in rnany places,

                          The May o{fensive was to last a full week. Enerny troops
          could only penetrate the outlying areas of the capital. Everyrrhere the
          attackers were repulsed or exterrninated  within seven days. On 25 May
          they tried to stage a corneback.  This tirne they tried to enter the capital
          city through the Dong Ong Co and Binh Hoa areas just north of Saigon,
          Occupying rnany civilian houses they resisted sweeping governrnent
          troops dispatched after thern. In Cholon the Cornrnunists also succeeded
          in penetrating a few blocks of the Sixth Precinct.  Frorn the concrete
          buildings of this precinct they tried to oppose the advancing  South
          Vietnarnese, A series of fierce and bloody engagernents  took piace in
          both areas.

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