Page 59 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 59

New V.C. Strategy

                             In their first  atternpt at rnounting a general offensive  the
             Cornrnunist High Cornrnand deployed assault troops  everywhere  but
             they soon recognized that this rnove was a grave rnistake. Attacks can
             only be rnounted when the assaulting  troops are rnore nulnerous  than
             the defenders.  Should the contrary be true,failure would be rnore apt
             to result.  N{oreover, without air  support, the Cornrnunists could only
             hope for victory  if they outnurnbered  friendly  troops in target areas.
             The only way to achieve this was to.assault thern repeatedly.
                             Recognition  of this truth shook Cornrnunist corrrrnanders
             out of their drearns for a speedy victory and they selected the cities -
             especially Saigon - as the targets of the new offensive carnpaign.  In
             their reckoning  nothing would be rnore effective than keeping strong
             rnilitary pressure on Saigon for such a strategy would perforce result
             i.n an atrnosphere of growing confusion in the political nerve-center
            o{ South Vietnarn and be a propaganda victory of sorts abroad.
                             In their May offensive  the Viet Cong strategy was reduced
             to the following  five points :  (a) to avoid {rontal attacks on {riendly
             installations; (O) to intiltrate  populous areas, especially  during the
             hours of darkness and wherever  friendly  troops \Mere thinly deployed;
             (c) to stay in an occupied area and fight until the end regardless  o{
            darnages; (d) in the absence of friendly reaction to spread to neigh-
            boring areas and request reinforcernents;  and (5) to rely on sapper
            troops as rnuch as possible  so that V,C.  rnilitary pressure should be
            felt by the frlendly troops both frorn within and without.
                             In the troubled days of May nurnerous enerny troops
             penetrated such areas as Thi Nghe, Bay Hien, Minh Phung, Binh Thoi,
             Binh Tien and Pharn The Hien. Although  governrnent units were
             successful in preventing the Cornrnunists frorn spreading to other
             areas, they had to call in air and artillery  support to elirninate the
             intruders and get the situation under control.
                             The intention of the enerny High Cornrnand, of course,
            was not to achieve big rnilitary victories but to create a state of
             con{usion  that could lead to irnrnense political and econornic difficulties
             and bring  about opportunities  for overthrowing the elected governrnent
             of South Vietnarn. In this undertaking  the Cornrnunist High Cornrnand

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