Page 47 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 47

sought  in rnid-1967,to  give the NLF a new irnage ailowing it to publish
             a new political prograrn, This was decided  to enlarge  the political
             base o{ the NLF organization but the rnove did not fool rnarry people.

                             NAPDF, along with the. Winter_Spring Carnpaign,  was
             given rnuch publicity  by the Cornrnunist propaganda  rnedia in an effort
            to attract the support  of the intellectuals in the cities and give the
            cornrnunist rnovelyler rn honorable  appearance  in the event of the for-
            rnati.on of a coalitior  jovernrnent, In the capital city ol Saigon,NAPDF
            did not have the tirne to do anything. It was later learned that its Cen_
            tral  Executive  Cornrnittee  included such figures as Attorney Trinh
            Dinh Thao (chairrnan), Mr.  Larn Van Tet, and Venerable  Thich Don.
            Hau of the Buddhist struggle rnovernent  in Hue. In the forrner irnperial
            capital the local NAPDF organization was tnore successfdl.  It was
            presented  to the public  and had enough tirne to be at the origin oi quite
            a few di sturbance  s.
                            The TCK- TKN       plan  was such a detailed plan that it  also
            provided  for the spreading  of a rurnors. According to one such rurnor,
            NLF troops would only attack South vietnarnese installations  and units
            and would leave the Arnericans  alone in keeping with the terrns of a
            secret agreernent between the Viet Cong and the U. S. In reality V, C.
            troops tried their best to avoid attacking u.s.  instarlation6.  That fact,
            following the pre-Tet rulnors and developrnents,  created sorne uneasi_
            ness in       U.S. - South vietnarnese relations,

                            ,4. few rnonths  belore Tet, at about the sarne tirne Nguyen
            Duy Trinh disclosed North VietnariTas ready for negotiating a,rr-"rra
            to the c onflj.ct, sorne NLF representative6  arrived in Sai_
            gon to contact the U.S. Ernbassy. One of the Viet Cong ernissaries,
            it was widely believed then, was captured by police, In the ensuing
            days,Police  Director General Nguyen Ngoc Loan  reportedly  sub_
            rnitted his resignation  in protest of U.S. interference in internal
            South Vietnarnese  ajfairs.  The rurnor went that the Council of Minis_
           ters refused  to consider  Loanrs request and asked hirn to stay on.
                            According  to the.sarne rurnor, South Vietnarnese inflexi.
           bility  toward the Viet Cong was instrurnental  in Washington's  secret
            acquiescence to allow C ornrnunist troops to pass and attack GVN in_
            stallations. By the sarne reasoning, such a direct confrontation be_
           tweenthe fighting brothers would give the Arnericans  the golden  oppor-
           tunity.of  assessing the capabilities of the Viet Cong vis_a_vis theii
           South Vietnarnese allies 60 that a really practical ipproach couLd. be

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