Page 43 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 43

Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy Trinh talked about the possibilities of
           peace negotiations  with the U.S. .  Trinhrs rnove possibly  intended  to
           rnislead Washington  on what the Hanoi leadership really had in rnind.
                           A f ew days later Ho Chi Minh ,  over Radio Hanoi,read
           a four-line poern wishing the Vietnarnese nation success in the corning
           Year of the Monkey, Students of Vietnarnese history now agree that
           this poern contained Hanoirs order for the unprecedented  offensive of
           1967, Here follows the text o{ the poern with a rough translation  :
                                    niv hdn hj.r .trl xuan  qua,
                                     tr6n tin vui khd ;"./a;;.
                                    Blc thi dua danh

                                          Toin thlng !t ,rd t.  !   "

                           It  This Springtirne certainly will  be rnore joyous than all
                                   such previous seasons,
                           rr  For news of victories will  corne frorn all part6 of the
                           rr  North and South (our people and our soldiers)will  corn-
                                   pete in the anti-Arnerican  struggle,
                           rr  Forward we go,
                                                And total victory will  be our s     rr   .

                           On the surface  no one would suspect the real intent of the
           rnessage  -  an order for battle, This order was thought  by rnost people
          to be sirnply  a call for rnore sacrjJices in preparation for great victo-
           ries in the distant future. In reality the Viet Cong leadership used the
          poern as the basis for a study docurnent detailing what the troops were
          expected  to do when the TCK-TKN Plan was to be irnplernented,

                           Even though Giaprs blueprint had not been rnade public
           in any way, interrogations of prisoners  of war, political returnees  and-
           others, prior to and following the Tet attacks,  revealed an idea of
          what it was. With its code narne consisting  of two parts            rrTCKrr  and
           rrTKNrr,   it  was possibly  conceived to include two phases : that of gene-
           ral offensive and that of general uprisings.

                           The TCK-TKN provided for  simultaneous attacks against
          key targets throughout South Vietnarn which would then be followed by
          political  agitation conducive to an overthrow  of the present adrninis-
          tration and the formation of a new governrnent.  The plan also provided
          for  an alternative in the  event of a failure in the first  phase. In that
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