Page 41 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 41

hidden under a cover that could be that of any booklet containing  the
              teachings of Buddha, Cn that particular  docurnent was printed  the
              title   rrTe  Do Chung Sinhrr or  I'To  Help Mankindr'  ,published by Venerable
              Minh Tarn. Even the narne of the publishing hou6e, the Luc Hoa Tang
              Publishing  C ornpany was included.

                              Inside the bookLet, however, it was labeled          ra  study doc_
              urnent for  a better understanding of the new situation  and the new
              tasksrr and it was rneant to be studied by low-ranking cadres and V. C.
              syrnpathizers.  A close exarnination  of this brochure shows four parts:

                              1. Obiective : The V.C.  seek the end of the Arnerican
              presence  in South Vietnarn  through the forrnation of a coalition govern-
              rnent with the National Liberation Front playing the leading role in
              the ar rangernent.

                              2. Three-Pronged  Task : V.C.  troops and cadres have
              the tasks of seeking  the destruction  of the U. S, political  and rnilitary
              position, the collapse of the Vietnarnese arrned forces, and the pro-
              motion of a popular uprising,
                              3. Assessrnent  : In assessing the situation in South Viet-
             narn the V. C. rnaintain that the      rtsearch   and de stroy  tactic s of the
             Allies have failed and that they thernselves  have achieved           Igreat   vic-
             toriesrr. They also point to the opening of the Tri-Thien (northern)
             front as an indicator  of their success  in preventing lVestrnoreland
             f rorn directing rrlore U. S, soldiers to the Mekong Delta and forcing
             hirn to ask for rnore troops.
                              4. V,C.  Shortcornings  : A nurnber of shortcornings on the
             part of the Viet Cong also are enurnerated such as the lack of coordi-
             nation in big operations, their inability to expand guerri).la  strength,
             the poor perforrnance of sorne V.C.  units, the insufficiency of politi-
             cal agitation, and the lack of popular  support.

                              The docurnent  also specifies that      jf   the U,S. should not
             agree to withdraw  its troops frorn Vietnarn  and if it  should not
             grant the Viet Cong the right to play a key role in a coalition govern-
             rnent, the Cornrnunists would continue the fight,  The struggle would
             take the forrn of intense  large-sca1e  attacks instead  of the erstwhile
             tactics of protracted  struggle  so as to be conducive to victory within
             the shorte st tirne possible.

                             The plan of attack, however,  was not contained in this
             paper. It was to be contained in a plan code-narned TCK_TKN  _  the

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