Page 40 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 40

The V.C. Offensive plan

                       The Viet Cong general offensive  was planned in rninute st
       detail. The Hanoi leadership  expected rnuch, iJ not total success. The
       reaaons for failure of the plan, therefore, rnust be traced to its au-
       thorer lack of objectivity  in assessing the s ituation, e spe c ially their
       rnisconception concerning  their ability to achieve popular  support.

                       The   rrgeneral  offensive, general uprisingl actually began
       in the Spring of 1967 when Hanoi learned that Arnerican troops and
       their firepower were far  superior to that which the French arrny could
       rnuster in the fifties  and therefore no decisive victories  on the pattero
       of past actions could be expected.  In their review of the Btrategy for
       the conquest o{ the South the Hanoi leadership  aleo carne to the conclu-
       sion that continuation of the protracted struggle rnight not lead thern
       anywhere, especially after a top 6ecret group of rnilitary experts frorn
       North Korea, C ornrnuni st China,and  Cuba also expressed  sirnilar

                       In the ensuing  rnonths  the North Vietnarnese Politburo
       requested  a basic change in the Cornrnunist  strategy for South Viet-
       narn. In its Resolution 13, victory was called for          rrin  the 6horte6t pos-
       gible  tirnerr, At about the 6arne tirne, General Nguyen Chi Thanh,
       who had been serving as C ornrnande r  - in- Chief of the Viet Cong forces
       and Lao-Dong (C ornrnunist) Party boss below the lTth Parallel,  died.
       Vo Nguyen Giap, the victor of Dien Bien Phu, was rnade re sponsible
       fo.r planning the Tet offensive.
                       Cornrnunist cadres in South Vietnarn attended the first
       etudy sessions  on the Etrategy to be adopted for the 1967-68  Winter-
       Spring Carnpaign  as early as August 1967. In the course of these ses-
       6ion6, conatant reference was rnade to a docurnent entitled             rrFor  an
       Under standing of the New Situation  and the New Tasks,             rrwhich   was
       widely distributed in one forrn or another,

                       A copy of thi6 paper was found in Tay-Ninh prowince on
       25 Novernber  1967. The book consisted of ten pages and was dated  1
       Septernber 1957. Like all other such docurnents  it has the appearance
       of a seerningly inoffensive brochure the true nature of which was

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