Page 44 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 44

event, the    rrgeneral   offensive,general uprisingrr would rnerely be ano-
          ther annual rnilitary  carnpaign sirnj.lar to those of prevlous  years.

          Bad failure

                           Militarily  the TCK- TKN Plan turned out to be a very
          bad failure for the Cornrnunists.

                           In launching their Winter-Spring Carnpaign  o{ 1967 the
          Cornrnunists wanted to forcefully turn world public opinion to their
          favour. They desired to create a psychology of fear arnong the South
          Vietnarnese lnasses, At the sarne tirne they hoped to irnpose upon the
          Saigon adrninistration  the unbearable burden of sponsoring a  refugee
          asaistance prograrn throughout  the country.
                           The real purposes which prornpted Hanoi to ernbark on
          the TCK-TKN carnpaign  were not those outlined aboved. According to
          a  Viet Cong cadre, who wag arrested while on his way
          to attend a session of the Central Office of South Vietnarn (COSVN),
          the reasons were of a rnilitary nature, Narn Dong, alias Can, told his
          interrogators that the TCK-TKN           rrwas  neither an ordinary carnpaign
          nor one staged with the intention of scoring a propaganda victory.  It
          was a carnpaign designed  to bring about a decisive victory and end the
                           According  to Narn Dong, the strategy  adopted was total-
          ly  dif{erent frorn the classical Cornrnunist plan during the war against
          the French due to the following  four considerations  :
                           (1) Francer s rnilitary rnight was relatively weak while
          Arnericars present strength is incornparable ;            (2) In the War against
          the French, the victory of Dien Bien Phu was directly instrurnental
           in bringing about the Geneva agreernents. No such wictories could be
           expected against the Arnericans; (3) With the classical three-phased
           strategy based on the principle of encirclernent of the townships by
          the countryside, the Cornrnunists were steadily  expanding their control
          over the countryside  in the course of the first  Indochina War, Against
          the U.S.-Vietnarn  alliance the traditional C ornrnunist  strategy rn the
           sixties failed to give Hanoi any decisive victories,thus  keeping the
          war in pretty rnuch the first  phase of Mao Tse Tungrs blueprint for
           revolutionary wars; (4) The Hanoi leadership  also understoodby  1967
           that should the conflict go on for  sornetirne it would attrite North Viet-
           narn and bring about the collapse of the Cornrnunist regirne.

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