Page 65 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 65

The battle for Saigon

                           Cornrnunist troops attacked Greater  Saigon - Saig,:n, Gia-
           Dinh, and Cholon - at exactly 0200 hours of the first  day of the Year of
          the Monkey.
                           Firecrackers  were still  exploding in parts of the city at
          this hour of the night when late revelers  began to hear gunfire. For
           city-dwellers, however,there was littl.e difference between thern and it
          was generally  thought that the fun was still  on. So'.ne of the Saigonese
           recognized the gunfire and explosion of grenades but this awareness did
          not disturb thern because they disrnissed  thern as          rrone  of those things
          in a state oI warrr.

                           l{hen the sun rose the following  rnorning everything
           seerned  norrrral throughout the big rnetropolis. Thousands  of people
           still  flocked to the streets, going to places o{ worship or to the hornes
          of acquaintances. Little by little,  however it  dawned  on the citizens
          that  "sornethingrr   was in the rnaking although rnost people still  stuck
          to the belief that it  rnight sirnply be a coup dretat such as they had
          witnes s ed in the past.

                           Only at eight orclock that fate{ul rnorning did Radio Saigon
          broadcast  an order proclairning rnartial law throughout the land. The
          order was signed by Vice President Nguyen  Cao Ky acting on order
          frorn President  Nguyen Van Thieu. He denounced the attack as an
          intolerable violati-on of the truce understanding.
                           The people, however, rnaintained their doubts until it
          was certain that the Cornrnunists had in fact assaulted the capital. The
          attackers  took advantage  o{ the practically uncontrolled  rnovernent  of
          goods and rnen in and out of the rnetropolis  to in{iltrate troops and
          war rnateriel into the big city.

                           In the first  hours o{ their offensive  the Comrnunists
           concentrated their ef{orts on the following  key installations.  :
                           rThe   headquarters  of the Vietnarnese Arrned Forces at
          Tan Son Nhut, which they penetrated by forcing their way through
          Gates Four and Five.  The intruders  were successful  in the first  few
          hours but were later blocked when reinforcernents  arrived.

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