Page 69 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 69


                          Following  their failure to occupy  South Vietnarnese rnili-
          tary nerve centers in Saigon, the Cornrnunists sought survival by
          rnixing with the people. Survivors of these unsuccessful attacks spread
          out in populated areas and atternpted to incite the population to an
          uprising against the authorities. To prevent this Vietnarnese Air  Force
          planes were ordered to rernain airborne all day and night to rnaintain a
          close watch of enerny rnowernents,

                           Seeing the airplanes strafing the enerny on the outskirts  of
           the city,  thousands of people in threatened  areas Left their hornes  and
           converged  on the downtown area. This rnovernent  wa6 to prove rnost
           helpful to South Vietnarnese  soldiers who were to be giwen the task of
           disloging  the intruders  frorn the Y. C. -occupied suburbs.

                          trVithin a {ew hours after the beginning of the V. C. of{en-
          sive,a counterattack was ordered. The Cornrnunist carnpaign was only
          a few hours old when two cornpanies of the First Airborne Battalion
          were dispatched to relieve enesly pressure  around the radio stati.on,
          The station was cornpletely lree of V. C. presence by early rnorning,

                          The governrnent troops were less successful at JGS
          headquarters. Two corripanies of the Eighth Airborne Battalion, sent
          to relieve V. C. pressure near Gate Four,- failed to dislodge the enerny
          frorn the buildings  of the Arrned Forces Language School which dorni-
          nated the area. The two rernaining cornpanies,  deployed  for the protec-
          tion of the eastern end o{ the Tan Son Nhut Airport,  also failed to
          prevent Cornrnunist troops frorn infi).trating Ba-Queo and the huge
          Vinatexco factory just outside the defense perirneter  of the all-irnpor -
          tant air  base.

                          In the meantirne the Fi{th Ranger Group, consisting of
          four battalions  (30, 33, 34 and 38)  :lorrnally  assigned  to the defense
          o{ a <iuadrangle rnade up of Thu Duc, Nha Be, Binh Chanh, and Hoc
          Mon,had  dur:ing the night dispatched two of its battalions to the capital
          city.  flrior  to daylight, on the second day of Tet, the 3Oth and 38th
          Battalions  had reached the suburbs. At four orclock in the rnorning
          the 3Oth Battalion arrived in the area of Hang Xanh where it  irnrnedia-
          tely engaged the enerny. The 38th, starting {rorn Nha Be, also arrived
          in the area of the race track at about the sarne tirne.

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