Page 71 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 71

hours since the Saigon Cornrnand  of the insurgents was known to be in
            that area. Following repeated unanswered calls {or the Viet-Cong
            elernents to surrender, the Vinatexco  area was leveled, thus preventing
            the Cornrnunists frorn gathering enough troops for a night attack on the
            all irnportant Tan Son Nhut air base.

                            Earlier  in the evening,  heli copt e r gunships  were used to
            hit the area surrounding the WAC School, Infantry were dispatched  to
            regain control o{ a section  of the Nguyen Van Thoai Boulevard.  This
            boulevard  bordered the race track which was already under Cornrnunist
                            By early rnorning of the third day of the        year   of the
            Monkey (f eU. t)  eight battalions of the General Reserve  had been
            brought back to Saigon. They were deployed  as follows  :
                            I  The Sixth and Eighth Airborne Battalions :  Their rnis-
            sion was to relieve enerny pre6sure  on the Eastern  Gate of the Tran
           Hung Dao Carnp.
                            I  The First  Airborne Battalion :  Its rnission waa to guard
           the radio station while serving as cornbat reaerve in Saigon.
                            I  The Second Marine Battalion :  Its role was to de{end

           highway  - raiLway junctions  Nurnber  Two and Four in Gia Dinh.
                            I  The First  Marine Battalion :  Its task was to cut all
           routes for withdrawal of Cornrnunrst  elernents attacking  the Co Loa
                            I  The 3Oth Ranger Battalion :  Its role was to liberate the

           Hang Xanh ar ea.
                            I  The 38th Ranger Battalion :  Its role was to liberate
           the .Phu Tho and Ba Hat s ections  of the city.

                           On Feb, I the headquarters  of the Vietnarnese Arrned
           l-orces was cornpletely cleared of Cornrnunist intruders. Prior to the
           liberation of this area, however,  helicopter gunships had to be used,
           resulting in considerable darnage to the Arrned Forceg Language
           School,  the AG School, and sorne o{ the rninor rnilitary installations
           in the vicinity of Gate Four.  South Vietnarnese  Marines  had reoccu-
           pied the Co Loa and Phu Dong carnps where the enerny had penetrated
           and dug in at the staxt of their Tet Carnpaign.
                           In Cholon, the Chinese section  of Saigon, the          gituation
           had grown rnore gerious       with rnore and rnore Yiet  Cong units reported

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