Page 67 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 67

rlndependence     Palace which the Cornrnunists atternpted  to
            penetrate througtr a side entrance  on Nguyen Du street, In this atternpt,
            however, Cornrnunist  sapper troops failed altogether.
                            tThe  Vietnarnese Navy Headquarters  on Bach-Dang Quay.
            Here all the attackers were killed on reaching the entrance,
                            tThe   Tan Son Nhut Airport,  which they did not succeed in

            penetrating. Their assault  troops took heaqg casualties while trying to
            approach  the western  end o{ the sprawling  base near Ba Queo.
                            rThe   radio station on Phan Dinh Phung Street, which the
            Cornrnunists penetrated  and occupied without being able tc use the
            rnany studios on the first  {loor of the building.

                            rThe  Arnerican  Ernbassy on Thong Nhat Boulevard, where
            they entered the front yard but were stopped  there.
                            rThe   chancery  of the Ernbassy of the Philippines,  which
            the Viet Cong occupied easily, There, however,  they failed to capture
            the Arnbassador  who had tirne to take refuge elsewhere.
                            Cornrnunist troops also hit a few rnilitary installations  on
            the outskirts of the capital  on that fateful night, such as the Co Loa
            and Phu Dong carnps which were partially occupied for sorne tirne.
            Sorne harassrnent  also was recorded against  Base 80 and Base 60 in
            the Hanh Thong Tay area. In their assault on the Quang Trung Training
            Center in Hoc Mon District,  Cornrnunist soldiers sulfered  severe
            losses before being able to reach the rnain gate. A few hours after
            these initial  attacks rnany groups of Cornrnunist soldiers could be seen
            in different parts o{ the sprawling  city.

                            The enerny situatioir on the second day of the Year of the
            lvlonkey (Jan. 30) could be described as follows  :
                             'In  the Northern suburb of Go Vap there was strong enerny
            pressure on the arti-[ery base of Co Loa, and the Phu Dong carnp of
            the arrnored branch. The Cornrnunist troops also tried their best to
            penetrate such populous areas as Go Vap and Xorn Moi and extend
            their influence to the Nga Narn Binh Hoa area,
                             t9/est  of the big city the presence of Cornrnunist units
            was acutely {e1t in the Ba Queo area aa they prepared for an attack
            on the Tan Son Nhut Air  Base. The enerny unit occupied  the Vinatexco
            textile plant and used it  as the starting point {or their assault on Tan
            Son Nhut.

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