Page 72 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 72

in the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Precincis. To rneet this threat the
         Second Marine Battalion,  which had been ordered to Cholon, it'nrnedi-
         ately launched an operation against the area of the An Quang  Pagoda.
         The 33d Ranger Battalion also was sent to a new front opening in Binh-
         An in the Seventh Precinct.

                         The Sixth Marine Battalion,  which had been in Bong  Son
         on the Central Coast, was airlifted to Saigon where it arrived on 2
         February. After resting the night in SaigonJhese elite troops were
         irnrnediately  dispatched to the sub-eector  of Thu Duc,

                         What was the enernyrs strength in Saigon ?
                         To stage this unprecedented attack,the Cornrnunist High
         Cornrnand  had deployed  a total of approxirnately  I7 battalions,  both
         Main Force and regional troops including  a battalion-size group of
         sappers. Included  in this total were only those forces directly partici-
         pating in the Battle for Saigon. Not included were rnajor units such as
         the Seventh and Ninth Divisions that were kept as leserves  in the vi-
         cinity o{ the capital.

                          The Cornrnunist attacking force at the height of the V' C,
         attack included the following  :
                          '  One battalion of Regirnent 271/CT.9 reinforced by
         Battalion 56/U.80 with the rnission of attacking  the Ouang-Trung  Camp
         and neighboring areas.
                          '  Battalions 267 and 269, rein{orced by elernents of
         Regirnent 27I,  with the rnission o{ assaulting  the Tan Son Nhut Airport.
                          t  Two battalions  of Regirnent z73f CT.9 with the rnission
         o{ attacking the Thu Duc Sub-Sector,
                          I  Battalion Cu Chi One, reinforced by a battalion of
         Regirnent l}l/CT.  ? and elernents of the Second Mechanized Battalion
          of the  rrRrr  Cornrnand, attacking and occuPying the rnany depots at
         Go Vap,
                          i  Battalion  Go Mon Two, in conjunction with Sapper
         Group J. l/F.100,  was to attack the JGS general headquarters  through
          Gate Four.
                          I  Battalion Di An Three ot 3/165 A was in charge of
          Hang Xanh area.

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