Page 70 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 70

Two hour s later the Fourth Marine Battalion  was heli-
           Iifted frorn Vung Tau to Saigon although it had been continously engaged
           in operations in the northern provinces  a bare 48 hours before. The
          Marine Task Force, which consisted  of the First  and Second Battalions
          and was garrisoning in the area of Cai Lay, Dinh Tuong province,  also
          was brought to Saigon early that evening.

                           Before the arrival  o{ these troops the intruders had rnoved
          frorn the outskirts to the vicinity of Nguyen Kirn Boulevard, which is
          near the Cong Hoa Stadiurn. They had not rnet with strong resistance
          up to this point. They had only fired a few shots at a police station
          south o{ the race track,  a field police  c arrrp on Tran Quoc Toan
          Boulevard, and a few other installations  in that general area.

                          The Cornrnunist colurnn succeeded in occupying the race
          track and residential  areas around the Wornen Auxiliary Corps School,
          Frorn point they deployed to a big quadrangle rnade up by the
          Nguyen Tri  Phuong,  Tran Quoc Toan, Ly Thai To and Minh Phung
          Boulevards and extending frorn the Tu Nghiern Fagoda  to the seat of
          rnilitant Buddhisrn at An Quang Pagoda. A few hours later the Nguyen
          Kirn Boulevard carne under aerial attack following the reported presen-
          ce of  rra  great rnany Viet  Congrr.
                          That afternoon enerny troops penetrated the Nhi Dong
          Hospital, harassed the base carnp of the Fifth MP Battalion on Ly
          Thai To Boulevard and frorn there reached Su Van Hanh Street and the
          An Quang Pagoda, occupying part of it.  Their presence in this popu-
          lous section o{ the city indicated their intention of ataging a popular
          uprising which, if  successful,  would be directed to other parts of the

                          During atrl thi6 time the people of Saigon only had the
          local radio and their  ears to help in  keeping  thernselves  inforrned  of
          vrhat was happening in their city.  Since rnost newspaper offices were
          still  closed {or the long holiday, Radio Saigon was the only source  of
          inforrnation. Unlike previous troubled days in the capital,the  national
          radio not only broadcasted  rnartial rnugic but it also gave short news
          bulletins  every now and then.
                           The radio station soon announced  that the ternpo of
          fighting in the Hang Xanh area had been reduced a little,  following
          gorne  rninor auccesses  of the governrnent troops. Through the radio
          the people of Saigon also were notified that the area of Ba Queo,
          especially  around the Vinatexco  textile plant, rnust be evacuated  by 0600

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