Page 275 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 275

tied behind their backs. Still others were tied together in groups  of
        tens or fifteens, indicating  that the victirns had been shoved into the
        rrrass graves and buried alive.

                          Arnong  the known rnassacres in which the victirns were
        buried alive or died sirnilarily painful deaths, was the case involving
        three West Gerrnan teachers of the Hue Medical School and the wifei
        of one of thern. The victirns were Dr  and Mrs  Hort Gunther Krainich,
        Dr Alois Alterkoster  and Dr Rairnund.  Discher.  They had corne to
        Vietnarn to teach at the Hue University  under a West Gerrnan tech_
        nical aid prograrn. They were abducted on Jan 3l or on Tet Day during
        the first  hours of the enerny offensive on the city.
                          When they storrned the Hue University  cornpound enerny
        troops and agents did not arrest the Vietnarnese teachers apparently
       because  one of their top leaders,        prof.   Le Van Hao, had been one of

       their colleagues  only a few days earlier.  The graves of the W.est
       Gerrnan professors were not found until April.  These cold-blooded
       rnurders aroused the conscience and indignation of the entired civil_
       ized world. Hardly anyone had ever believed  that the Viet Cong were
       barbarous  enough to rnurder servants of charity and weUare.

                         These fanatical rnassacres of defenseless people were
       bitterly  condernned  by public opinion and the press around the world.
       The London Tirnes ran a banner headline protesting  these rnass exe_
       cutions, During the course of one of these execution reporter Steward
       Harris rnet tragic death. In the French newspaper Minute, reporter
       Yves Gautron wrote that no one could tolerate these savage                     of
       C ornrnunist terrorisrn  against the innocent people in Hue. In France
       studenta  held a rnass protest rally  at the Ternes Square to condernn
       these atr oc itie s.

                         Vietnarnese  officials killed during the Hue tragedy
       included  the late Hue Deputy Mayor Tran Dinh           phuong,    the late  public
       Prosecutor of the Thua Thien field court Maj Buu Thanh, the late
       Justice of the Hue Court of Appeals Nguyen Khoa Hoang and his
       lawyer son. Deputy lr,4ayor      phuong   was rnurdered right in front of his
       horne. He was ternporarily  buried eight days later at the sarne place
       where he was shot, Maj Thanh was abducted and never heard of again.
       Justice Hoang was abducted frorn his horne and his son was also led
       away while pleading for the release of his father.

                         Maj Tran Huu Bao, deputy province  chief of Thua Thien,
      was wounded leading a defensive  action against  an enerny assault on

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