Page 270 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 270

valiantly against heavy odds. A poorly equipped Viet Narn Quoc  Dan
      )ang platoon, arnong other groups stood its grounds at the Thanh Nhon
      school until this part of the city was recaptured by friendly forces.
      Cne hundred Phu Carn Rornan Catholic youths fought for four days on
      end. until they ran out of arnrnunition  and had to withdraw  to Phu Bai.
      Had they been given sufficient arnrnunition they would certainly not
      have let the Phu Carn area fall  into enerny hands. Sorne Arnerican
      nationals,living in a house near the Narn Giao bridge, held out valiantly
      for two days and refused to surrender'  They were all killed,  one after
      another. Their bravery won thern the great adrniration  of the people
      of Hue. Another group of Arnerican civilians,  ernployees of the Indus-
      trial  Relations Department,  living at No 7 Ly Thuong Kiet,  inflicted
      such si.-eable enerny casualties that the enerny had to use B.40 rockets
      to destroy the house. Two of the seven died in the early stages of the
      resistance. The rernaining five,  including two wolnen' held out {or 24
      hours before they surr ender ed.
                        The enerny virtually controlled  the entire city on the
      evening of Tet Day or January  30. During the next two days enemy
      troops and agents rnoved about in the city freely.  They were control-
      ling the people as if  they were oPerating in VC territory.

                        The VC called pe:ple out of their hornes to          rrpolitical
       study rneetingsrt, classified thern into categories - civil  servants,
       soldiers,  police and just plain citizens.  Except for  the last category
      all  the people surnrnoned  were detained overnight at the Governrnent
      Delegaters office building on the  right           bank of the Perfurne River.
      They were allowed to go horne the next

                         People  speculated that the enerny was starting a three-
       stage rnass arrest and rnurder scherne.  The case rnentioned above
      was a lighter one while the serious case involved  those civilians
      detained in the Gia Hoi area which was under even firrner  enerny
      control. In this area the enerny  succeeded in carrying  out all  of the
      three stages of his sinister scherne.
                        First  he sealed off the occupied area, herding the
      people  together and classifying thern into categories,  The just plain
      citizen category was told to forrn civic organizations. Thi.s process
      was designed  to help the enerny have tight control on the populace,
      Each of the organizations had a representative  to  take orders frorn
      the enerny, These plain citizens were told to continue to work norrnal-
      Iy and to keep public order. Then enerny troops and agents carne to
       each house con-f iscating all private radio in an aPparent  ef{ort to cut

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