Page 266 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 266

Another Marine unit engaged  an unknown-sized  enerny
      enerny. The Marines suJfered no casualties'  Arnerican Marines  cap-
      tured a single storied structure in the southeastern  section'  Frorn
      this  structure they controlled  the cityrI  rnain bridge, called Trang
      Tien or Nguyen Hoang bridge.
                        Additional US Marine reinforcernents  were he liliJted
      into the wal1ed i.rnPerial citY on the sarne day arnidst heavy enerny
       ground fire.
                         On the rnorning of Feb 24 the Marine Battle Group A
       rnoved frorn the West gate area toward three objectives' The objectives
       were Narn Dai, Nha Do gate and the Ton That Thiep Street area'
                         The 4th Marine Battalion was assigned  to storm the
       Narn Dai positions frorn which the solidly  entrenched Cornrnunist
       guerrillas had been holding out for 1Z days. The Marines  did not over-
       iun these enerny positions until 2I00h. They killed 85 enerny and
       seized 30 assorted  weaPons.
                         The lst Marine Battalion  had to ernploy tear gas to
       dislodge  the enerny frorn his bunkers, foxholes and trenches' The
       Marines also had to engaged the enerny in a fierce hand-to-hand  fight'
       This fight caused the outnurnbered,  exhausted  enerny to lose 72 killed'
       33 assorted  weapons and two telephones^were seized'

                         The 5th Marines  wiped out the enerny  Positions          in the
       Ton That Thiep area rnuch sooner than the other two battalions seize
       their objectives.  They accounted for 26 enerny killed and five weapons
       seized, including two anti-aircra{t  rnachineguns'
                         At  the sarne tirne the Marine Battle GrouP A gave
       c ornbat supPort to a friendly unit inthe recaPture of  the Phu Van Lau
       flagpole. That day, and for the first  ti.rne in the 25-day-old  Hue battle'
       the Vietnarnese flag was {lown again atop the giant, stately flagpole'
       The enerny flag was pul1ed down around0400h.  on l-eb' 24'
                         Cn the sarne rnernorable  day the Vietnaroese Marines
       advanced into the Irnperial Palace proPer which the dernoralized enerny
       had abandoned  and frorn which they had fled to the oouthern wall of
       the citadel.
                          Cn Feb 25 the Rangers also regained  cornplete control
        of the Gia Hoi area. The enerny had abandoned this area after  he had

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