Page 263 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 263

darling, die beside buddiest. I later found out that this was alrnost
       a slogan, stres6ing  the spirit of dedication  and sacrifice of the 4th
       C ornpany as well as that of the entire Marine Battle Group A.
                         A soldier died. Another  soldier stepped  forward  to
       take his place. The firefight  continued with increasing ferocity,  frorn
       house to house, frorn  garden to garden, frorn street io st"eeirt.
                         The Vietnarnese  and Arnerican forces were pledged to
       annihilate the enerny in the Citadel at all costs. Wave after wave of
       US Marine jet fighters rained bornbs, rockets  and cannon fire  on
       enerny positions for two days running. Cn Feb 14, for the fir6t  tirne
       in the 15-day-old Hue battle, airstrikesweredirected
                                                                        at enerny posi_
      tions dug into the thick rock and brick warls of thecitadel.  The ord-
      nance  expended  included  napalrn bombs, three_inch rockets, tear  gas
      bornbs and high explosive  fragrnentary  bornbs weighing  up to 750

                         The enerny continued to hold out frorn. entrenched
      positions along the great walls encornpassing  the northeast and south_
      rl/est sections  of the Citadel. Many friendly a6Bault waves were repul-
      s ed.

                        The battle for Hue was rnade even rrlore arduous for
      the friendly forces by poor weather - low cloud ceiJ.ings, nippingty
      cold ternperatures, etc, Furtherrnore  the friendly fo".."  *...  J"g",
      to reduce civilian casualties  and avoid as rnuch destruction  of p.o"pe"_
      ty as possible.  Most of the roads and streets leading to .rr...ry posi_
      ti-ons were barricaded  by hirn with  stolen pieces of furniture, **",
      doors etc...  The enerny delivered sniper fire  against friendly  troops
      {rorn behind  these barric ade s.

                        Throughout  the day of Feb 16 fighting  continued in its
      {arniliar  pace andferocity  inside the Citadel. A..rerican  artillery  fired
      white phosphorous shells.  Crusader jet  fighters conducted  rnassive
      bornb and rocket strikes against .rr.rrry po"itions.  Houses,  buildings,
      walls collapsed and burst into flarnes, lighting part of the ancient
      capital city  that night.

                        The 7/5  US Marine Battalion pushed back an enerny
     force to the south in order to trap it within  the crossfire  of the
     friendly {orces positioned on both sides of the          perfurne    River. Arne-
      rican tanks also rnaneuvered into the southern end of the Citadel  and
      struck the enerny dug in on the flanks of the Citadel walls.

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