Page 259 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 259

'                 The Areas C, D and F were contested areas at this
      tirne. Cf these three, Area E or the knperial  Palace was entirely
      under the control of enerny forces. These forces also controlled
      vantage points in the southeastern and southerl.1'  section  of the Citadel
      wall  s .
                        The entire Citadel area is  about ten square kilorneters,
      The cornbined Vietnarne  se -Ame ric an forces operating in these three
      contested areas (C, D and F) included seven battalions. The troops
      stationed in Areas A and B were not included.

                        Reporter  Nguyen Tu, who covered the Marine Battle
      Group A since the beginning of its  Operation  Song 'lhan 739/68,  gave
      the following description of its heroic perforrnance during the battle :
                       rrBattle  Group A was divided into two coLurnns,  the first

      one being the First  Battalion  cornrnanded  by Maj. Phan Van Thang,
      and the second being the Fifth Battalion, c ornrnanded by Maj. Pharn
      Van Nha, The first  objective was the Cao Thang barrack,  horne of
      the First  ordnance  C ornpany  which becarne a frontline base, The
      barrack, which had been stubbornly defended for fifteen days by sorne
      eighty soldiers under the cornrnand of Capt.  Tran Kirn Khue and Lt
      Nguyen  Van Cap, included  a warehouse with a large quantity of arnrnu-
      nition and weapons.  Arnong the weapons were nearly 1,400 up-to-date
      M16 autornatic  rif le s.
                      rrLt.   Cap said it would be arrgreat disasterrr if  the Corn-
      rnunists captured  the barrack. Both Capt. Khue and Lt.  Cap were
      no longer concerned about the barrack since the stocked arnrnunition
      and weapons were dispersed to other places. They were verv happy
      to  see the Marines corne. They said         rrwe  had been entirely isolated
     frorn  the rest of the rear and cut off frorn our farnilies for fifteen
                      rrAfter  a brief talk with the ordnance of{icers Maj. Thong
      gave the go-ahead for the counter-attack.  Maj.  Pharn Van Nhars
     FiJth Marine Battalion  rnowed west and down Ton That Thiep street to
      relieve enemy pressure in the East gate and Sap gate areas. These
      areas are in the southwestern and southern  sections of the Citadel.
      Maj. Phan Van Thangrs First  Battalion also rnoved frorn the eastern
      section of Area F toward the southern corner of the Citadel. They
     rnoved along Le Huan street. The tv./o units were to rneet in the Sap
      gate area to back up the I/5  US Battalion  which was operating in Area

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