Page 255 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 255

SECOND  PHASE  OF THL  LtaERat  ru!\  v.  nul

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                         F/yE,  ot rcerutE

                      ---+     llotcr supply  line

                               Advoncc  o(  U. 5.  l{a.,nc Ba olion  t/5
                               Advoncc  of tfiG fost  Forcc A ( V,c.rnom.s.  l.{o.incs  )
                               Advonce  of th. Thid ln{ont.y Rcsirl.cnr
                          Zonc A:  lst  tnlontry  D;"ision  gcjquorrcrs
                         Zone B :  Occupi.d  by fticndly lorccs
                         Zonc C I  trOR  of rAc  3id R.gimcnt
                         Zon. E :  Areo  os occupi.d  by t?oops
                          Zonc D :  TAOR of  U. 5.  Atorinc  to.c.
                         Zonc F.  RVN Ldrinc  ftOR

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