Page 252 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 252

On the tenth day of Tet Arnerican troops recaptured
      the office of the Adrninistrative  Delegate.  The enerny continued to
      hold out at the stadiurn,  the railway station and the Phu Cam area'
      A U, S. Marine force had been positioning their forces, opposite the
      railway station at the end of Le Loi street, near the University

      c ompound  f or two daYs.
                        Friendly forces on the left bank rnade no progres6'
                        Arnerican  troops,  on the right bank of the Perfurne
      River,  successfully drove the enemy out of the stadiurn, the railway
      station and Phu Carn on Feb. 9, 1968 - the llth day of the flrst  lunar
      rnonth. The C ornmunists 6p1it into smaller unitg and withdrew  toward

      Narn Giao.
                        Frorn Jan. 31 to Feb. 9, 1968' a ten-day period, the
      enerny lost 934 killed,  4 captured, and had 30? of his weapons  seized'
      Arnerican  casualties were 31 killed,  201 seriously and 80 lightly
                        Although a Z4-hour curfew was irnPosed by the province
      adrninietration and publicized by Hue Radio, rnany of the Cityrs
      residents  took advantage of the decreaeed intensity of the fighting to
      return to their homea to fetch whatever belongings they could' There
      were two refugee  carrps on the right bank. One was located  at the
      Redernptorist  church  and the other at the Pilot School A third carnp
      wa6 establiehed  at Phu Luong.These  carnPs were set up irnrnediately
       after Arnerican troops started their counterattack .  As friendly
       operations advanced  rnore and rnore civilians were liberated frorn
       the c ornrnuniet  s and transferred  to the refugee  camps. The re{ugees
       prepared their rneals thernselves.  They even tore down windows and
       pl"ces of furniture to cook their rneals Bince they lacked firewood'

                         The bodies o{ the dead which had been left scattered
       on war-torn streets and alleye of the ancient imperial caPital city -
       Viet Cong as just plain innocent civilians - were not collected for

       The burials were only ternporary. The bodies were rnerely buried on
       the side of Etreets  and alleys. The Thua Thien Sector C ornmand had
       to call in a nurnber of Regional Force rnen stationed in Huong Thuy
       dietrict  and cadets of the Dong Da Training Center in Phu Bai to
       Launch a aweep operation against enerny remnants and to resurne
       control of all the rernaining  populated sections of the city'

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