Page 247 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 247

On the second day of Tet enerny troops invaded several
       populated sections of the city located on the left bank of the             perfurne
       River.  The Inner Citadel or Irnperial  Palace area, the Dong Ba rnarket
       place, the Thuong Tu, Chanh Tay and An Hoa gates carne under their
       control. The enerny also easily seized the southern part of the city
       Iocated on the right bank of the river.  Enerny elernents were seen in
       the streets encircling friendly rnilitary positions.  They had already
       occupied various friendly adrninistrative  buildings, including  the
       adrninistrative headquarters of Thua Thien province,  the university
       c ornpound  and other buildings. The MACV square,  the Thua Thien
       sector c ornrnand  headquarters,  the radio station, the pi).ot school and
       the Navy dock were still  untouched.

                         On the second rnorning of Tet the First  Division Corn-
       rnander ordered the Znd Airborne Battalion  to rush to the city frorn
       their  location at Tu Ha to assist in relieving enerny pressure on the
       city.  The paratroopers  could hardly rnove into the city in the face
       of the enernyrs  heavy fire  frorn civilian houses. They also lacked air
       support which was not available due to bad weather. A counter-attack
       by tine 3f3 Battalion frorn the Narn Giao rnarket also failed to relieve
       enemy pre6sure  in  the area. The 7th Arrnored  Cavalry  stationed at
       An Cuu then ordered to rnove toward the Citadel.

                         During the rnorning three atternpts to enter the city by
       the 7th Arrnored Cavalry cornrnanded  by Lt.  Co1. Phan Huu Chi, were
       unsuccessful.  Around noon an Arnerican  convoy  carne frorn             phu  Bai
       to reinforce  Co1, Chirs arrnor colurnn, which again trled to reach the
       city with three tanks leading  the counter-attack.  The Arnerican  convoy
       kept firing  into the sugar fields on both sides of the road and stopped
       at the cityrs outskirts, The three tank6 pushed ahead and finally
       reached the City Police Headquarters in downtown Hue. The Head-
       quarter6 was still  in friendly hands. Co1, Chirs tank was hit by an
       enerny 8.40 rocket fired frorn a nearby house, He was killed.

                         The situation in Hue was wery con{used throughout  the
       second day of Tet. A11 rnilitary installations were still  in friendly
       hands. Only the recruiting office near the Bach Ho bridge and the
      field police base were occupied  by the enerny after the overwhelrningly
       outnurnbered defenders  had fled.  The Le Lai carnp, where the 8IIth
      Ordnance  C ornpany  was stationed, was also overrun alter a few daysr
       resistance.  The defenders  had run out of arnrnunition  and fled.

                         At 8 o'cLock in the rnorning on the third day of Tet,

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