Page 250 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 250

First  Engineer Battalion  one kilorneter south of Hue., They algo rnain-
       tained their preasure  on the Tay Loc area, the Citadel, the Flagpole
       area, the adrninistrative  sector and the Dong Khanh high school. That
       night the enerny overran  the city prison and freed about 2,000 prison-
       ers of all categories.  This added rnore conJusion  to the situation in
       Hue. The freed prisoners,  arrned by the enerny, roarned the streets
       and cornrnitted acts of reprisal.
                         During the fiJth night of Tet the enerny burned a rnili-
       tary fuel depot at the Dinh rnarket one kilorneter northeast of Hue'
       Scattered enerny actions were rePorted around the base carnp of the
       Illth  Transportation  Battalion  at An Cuu.
                         You rnay recall that Lt.  Col. Phan Yan Khoa, Chief
       of Thua Thien province, concurrently Mayor of Hue, was reported
       rnissing during the first  days of the enerny offensive. He was at first
       believed to have been rnurdered  by the enerny. Actually he escaped
       unhurt. At tirne s he had to disgu:'se hirnself as a hospital patient.

                         The actual counterattack by friendly forces did not
       begin until the fiJth day of Tet.
                         The cornbined  Vietnarnese - Allied operation  was con-
       ducted as f ollows :
                         -  The Arnerican forces, consisting of the 2/5 Marine
       Battalion with three cornpanies and an arrnor battalion, started out frorn
       the MACV cornpound  while the RAY Battle Group, consisting of  two
       Marine cornpanies, set out frorn the An Cuu bridge. Their rnission
       was to clear the right bank of the Perfurne River.

                         -  The Vietnarnese forces, consisting of the First  Air-
       borne Battle Croup with three battalions and one arrnor Squadron initi-
       ated their action frorn north of the Citadel. The 9th Airborne Battalion'
       helili{ted  frorn Quang Tri to the Mang Ca carnp on the aJternoon of the
       fourth day of Tet, also rnaneuvered into the Citadel. TheFirst Air-
       borne  Battle Group, rein{orced  by elernents of the f irst  Infantry
       Division, was to clear the left bank of the Perfurne River.

                         Another friendly force took position northwest and
       southwe6t  of Hue. This was the First  U' S. Air  Cavalry Division
       which had rnoved frorn An Khe in the pre-Tet days i.n order to as6i6t
       with the rnilitary  situation at Khe Sanh.
                         ARVN trooPs reoccupied half of the Citadel airfield

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