Page 245 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 245


                         The battle of Hue lasted 26 days. It was the bloodiest
       and rnost destructive battle in the offensive, This was true not only
       because  of the fighting but also because of the rnass rnurders  by the
       Cornrnunists.In  these rnass rnurders thousands  of innocent civilians
       were buried alive. It  was a terrible nightrnare  for the population  of
       Hue, The whole city was rnarked  by the passage of death and no house
       was left untouched by the war, As a rnatter of fact the. sufferings  of
       the residents of Thua Thien Province were indescribable  and have
       been the subject of rnany rnowing stories in the press, This docurnent
       only deals with the rnilitary  aspect of the battle.

                                 A. -  GENERAL DEVELCPMENTS
                         Hue was very rnuch alive on the eve of the New            year.
       The Dong Ba rnarket was crowded with people, Many strangers were
      noticed strolling  arnong the crowds. No one apparently paid rnuch
       attention to thern or thought anything unusual  rnight happen in their
      peaceful  c ity.

                         The sarne thing occured to prices in Hue as in Saigon,
      Two weeks  bef ore Tet goods  f ound aknost no custoi.r.jer s even though
      prices were rather low. Then the sudden buying spree which rnarked
      the last days of the year caused a sharp increase in the prices of
      various  c ornn-roditie  s.

                        Throughout  Tetrs eve and New         yearrs   Day {irecrackers
      exploded alrnost endlessly and people  went about their custornary
      visits to relatives as if nothing were to happen.

                        On the rnorning of New       yearrs   Day Brigadier General
      Ngo  Quang Truong,  cornrnander of the First  Infantry  Division,  along
      with rnernbers  of hi6 staff were present at a flag-raising  cerernony
      at Phu Van Lau which rnarked the c of the  ear of the Monkey.
      Shortl.y after the cerernony he  received reports frorn the I Corps
      Headquarters that Viet Cong had attacked the towns of Nha Trang  and
      Qui Nhon, as well as the I Corps Headquarters,  the night before.
      The General irnrnediately put his troops on full  alert and rernained
      at the Division  C ornrnand headquarters  for the night. Although  cornply_
      ing with the order, the troops could not believe that an enerny attack

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