Page 246 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 246

was irnrninent.

                       At 2 orclock in the rnorning,  as the city was in eound
      sleep after a day of hectic festivities,  the Viet Cong sirnultaneously
      slarnrned  hundreds of rounds of rnortar and rocket into the first
      Division  Cornrnand Headquarter s, the Sector Cornrnand Headquarter  s'
      the Dong Da rnilitary training center' and positions  of the 7th Arrnored
      Cavalry at An Cuu.
                        About one hundred 8Zrnrn rnortar rounds were fired
      into the Greater Mang Ca area alone'

                        At the sarne tirne enerny forces launched  a ground
      a6sault against the Mang Ca section after storrning through  the An
      Hoa gate.- An enerny force approached  the Tay Loc airfield and attack-
      ed the arrns and arnrnunition depot of the lstOrdnance  C ornpany
      encountering  heavy resistance.  Another enerny force invaded the
      Citadel  through  the we st gate which they  de stroyed  by explosive
      charges. A battalion-sized enerny unit attacked the north position of
      the An Hoa bridge and occupied it a{ter a half-hour battle' This unit
      then attacked An Hoa village frorn  which our Znd Airborne Battalion
      had withdrawn the day before.  Advancing further into town the enemy
      occupied the Bach Ho bridge and destroyed  one of its  sPans on the
      left bank of the Perfurne River. The Viet Cong concentrated  their
      attack on the Mang Ca section after occupying the An Hoa gate and
      the west gate. They encountered  fierce resistance by our defenders
      firing  fr orn multi6toried  houses.
                        The enerny force attacked the Tay Loc airfield but
      becarne  entangled  in the defensive wire and turned toward the arrns
      and arnrnunition depot. At 0350 hrs.they  once rnore concentrated their
      push against the airfield.  They succeeded in burning the arnrnunition
      *ar.horl".,  the fuel tanks and the techniciansr quarters' Throughout
       the following day they were unable to take the airfield'  During another
       a6sault  conducted  at nightfall  they reached the plane parking areas
       but were driven out the next morning'
                         A battle between enerrly troops and the Reconnaissance
       C ornpany of the Fir6t Infantry  Division raged around the knperial
       Palace area. Thi.s battle ended at five otclock in the rnorning  when
       the area was overrun by the enerny. A big National Liberation Front
       flag was hoisted atop the Citadelrs rnain flagpole at 8 otclock in the

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