Page 243 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 243

the Rangers. The policernen  of the 5th, 6th and 8th Precincts pressed
       the enerny into a quarter of Nguyen Van Thanh Street. The firefight
       Iasted frorn noon tiLl dark and burned down all the huts along the sides
       of the c r eek.

                       Also on this day the colurnn of the 38th Ranger Battalion
       operating on Tong Doc Phuong and Hoc Lac Streets added 4 rnore VC
       killed and 3 AKs, one 8.40  captured,

                       The VC troops and cadre who rallied or were captured
       in Go Cong Street declared that they belonged to the 308th VC Battalion
       except 2 who were frorn North Vietnarn" They had inJiltrated frorn
       Long An into Cholon since May Z8th. One of thern revealed that they
       had infiltrated  frorn Long An into Cholon since June 7th, This indicated
       that these VC fighting in the Truong  Van Ben Soap Factory  were frorn
       a recently  c ornrnitted unit.

                       During the nlght th-e Rangers continued to surround the
       areas in Khong Tu, Go Cong, Ngo Nhan Tinh,  Van Tuong Streets.  The
       VC were    trcut  uprr into srnal1 groups  and isolated frorn one another.
       Their fighting becarne disorgani.zed and desperate since they knew
       they had no hope of finding a way out.
                       On the rnorning of June 7th when tine 4f 38 C ornpany was
       searching in this area the first  of 17 VC surrendered in Khong Tu
      Street with two 8.40s,  20 rninute s later another 13 VC laid down their
      weapons  in Go Cong Street. The prisoners were then allowed to call
       out to their cornrades  to surrender.  33 isolated VC responded  to the
       call among whorn was one wolnan cadre. Most of thern were natives
      frorn Vinh Long and Tra Vinh and belonged to the 6th and 308th VC
       Battalions. They also discLosed that their cornrnander had lost contact
       of thern 2 daye ago. The cornrnander did not know whether they were
       still  alive or not, The 308th Battalion  Cornrnander  had been wounded
       in the head sorne days earlier.

                       After this surrender of VC troops and cadre the battle
       of Cholon ended on June 7th, 1968 with Z enerny battalions  destroyed
       and nurnerous weapons  c aptur ed,

                       The heavy weapons used in this trattle were :

                       9Ornrn guns rnounted  on US M,1I3 and M.4g  .
                      I06rnrn recoillees  rifles rnounted  on US jeeps,
                       76rnrn  guns rnounted. on RVNAF M. 4I.

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