Page 251 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 251

and the An  Hoa gate during the fifth day of Tet. In this battle the
       enerny suffered 77 killed and 27 weapons captured. Friendly casualtiee
       were li.ght.

                         On the sixth  day of Tet (f et. +, 1968) there were no
       major developrnents. The enerny took advantage of the old French
       foltresses  to resist allied forces in the Thuong Tu and Ky Dai areas.

                         The enerny pre6sure  on the left bank at Hue University
       and the MACV cornpound, was broken by the U. S. Z/5 Marine Bat-
       talion supported by Ontos each of which was equipped with six l06rnrn
       recoiliess rifles.  Fighting  frorn  street to 6treet the Arnericans with-
       drew to the MACV area for the night and resurned thi6 see6aw pattern
       the following day. These tactics failed to liberate the right bank of
       the Perfurne River. However these tactics were airned at taking full
       advantage of superior fire  power to destroy ernall and scattered enerny
       units. Land control was only of secondary irnportance. In fact eLernents
       o! tlne Z/5 U. S. Marine Battali.on were able to break enelny pres6ure
       against several rniLitary installations  and populated areas. As friendly
       troops withdrew frorn these area€, after a few hour e  oc cupation,  the
       enerny returned and resurned their sniper fire.  During the Iirst  six
       days of Tet the enerny virtually controlled  the adrninistr ative area,
       including the office of the governrnent delegate, the residence of the
       province chief, the city jail  and the Khai Dinh high school,  On the
       friendly side the l2th Sea Junk Force  still  patrolled the            per{urne
       River. It took light casualties frorn enerny rnortar fire.  Air  support
       was lirnited because  of bad weather.

                         The following day, the seventh day of Tet, the Corn-
       rnunists launched an attack againct the l6t Engineer Battalion  one
       kilorneter south of Hue. One ARVN battalion, in the rneantirne, rnoved
       to reinforce  the friendly force in the Citadel.

                         In the aIternoon Arnerican troops retook  a large
       portlon of the right bank. The Viet Cong rernained  entrenched at the
       Quoc Hoc high school.

                         At 1I:30 AM on the ninth day of Tet, reinforced by two
       battalions frorn An Hoa - Kirn Long, the enerny launched  an assault
       against 4/3 Battalion stationed  at Chanh Tay. This attack caused.
       fairly  heavy caeualties  for the friendly side as well as losses of
       c ornrnunic ation equiprnent and weapons.  Seven enerny blew up the
       Trang Tien bridge destroying two of its 12 spans.

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