Page 253 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 253

Arnerican  Marines  were helilifted into the city to
      reinforce the Z/5 U.S. Battalion on the right  bank of the            perfurne
      River  at1600 hr. on Feb. 10. This was the first  such rein{orcernent
      since the Hue battle began. The helili{t was finally  cornpleted satis-
      factorily  despite very bad weather. Another Marine unit rnoved by
      truck into the city frorn Phu Bai at the sarne tirne. The Local officials
      and people becarne optirnistic  as they witnessed  all these rein-forcing
      troop rnovernents.

                        In the afternoon  of Feb, 10, an LCU of the Vietnarnese
      Sea Junk Force arrived by the Teachersr Training School  and picked
      up a cargo of supplies frorn the first  Division C ornrnand  headquarters
      which was on the left bank of the Perfurne River. These supplies
      were then ferried to the rnilitary  installations of the Thua Thien Sector
      on the right bank.

                        In the section north of the Perfurne River three Viet-
      narnese airborne battalions  and four infantry  battalions were closing
      in on an enerny force firrnly  entrenched arnong bunkers and battle-
      scarred houses. The Gia Hoi section was still  under enerny control as
      was two-thirds of Phan Boi Chau street. Friendly troops  advanced
      cautiously within the Cltadel since the enerny stil1 held rnany vantage
      points. The search-and-destroy  operation  was rnade rnore difficult
      because  the enerny chose to hide arnong the people  and their  dwellings.

                        The  c ornrnander of the First  Infantry  Division faced
      a difficult choice  on whether to execute slow, careful house-to-house
      {ighting or to engage in a swift stearnroller operation. The forrner
      would save civilian  lives and property but would cost extra friendly
      casualties. The latter  could result in a swifter liquidation of enerny
      pockets of resistance but would entail sizeable  hurnan and rnaterial
      losses  for the trapped civilians,
                        On the rnorning of Feb. 12 an  advance reconnaissance
      unit of the Marine Battle Group A  was helilifted into the Citadel.

                        At 1800h.  a US Marine unit crossed the Perfurne Riwer,
      landed on Bao Vinh quay and started to rnaneuver into  the Citadel.  On
      the rnorning of Feb. 13 the landing operation of US Marines on Bao
      Vinh continued.  This was the fir st tirne in the Hue battle that Arneri-
      can Marines engaged the enerny inside the Citadel as they were rein-
      forcing Vietnarnese troops. They were warrnly wel-corned by the

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