Page 256 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 256

including the Srnaller and Greater Mang Ca areas. Here the Cornrnand
      of the llth  Tactical Area and of the First  Infantry  Division rnade
      their  headquarters. This area was entirely under governrnent control
      and its security was handled by the Cornrnandr  s guard garrison. The
      backgate of this area was the only way to Bao Vinh quay and the r oute
      over which friendly supplies  and reinforcernents  were funnelled into
      the C ornrnand  headquarter  s.
                        Area B covered the eastern side of theCitadel. Just
      outside of  this area the enerny 6til1 controlled the Dong Ba rnarket
      plac  e .
                        Area C was the northwestern corner of the Citadel and
      included  the .Tay Loc and Tay Linh sections which were being cleared
      by the Third Infantry  Regirnent under the cornrnand of Lt.  Col. Phan
      Ba Hoa. The We st gate of the Citadel  in this area was still  under

      enerny  c ontr o1,
                        Area D bordered on Mai Thuc Loan street leading to
      Dong Ba gate in the north, on Nguyen Thanh street in the east, on the
      walls of the Irnperial  Palace in the west' and on part of the Ong Ich
      Khiern street and the Thuong Tu gate in the south. The sweep  o{ Area
      D was entrusted to the 1/5 US Marine Battalion,  which had sorne
      1,000 seasoned soldiers equipped with rnodern weaPons  ranging  up to
      rnediurn and large artillery  pieces. This US Marine battalion rnaneu-
      vered into  the Citadel  on Feb.10 and 11. It was deployed  on Mai Thuc
       Loan, Nguyen  Thanh and Dinh Bo Linh streets and adjoining areas
       in  order to close in on enerny positions in the rniddle of Area D.

                         Area E was the knperial  Palace         Proper'    which was
       stil1 controlled by the enelny. The palace was regarded aa the enernyrs
       key tactical base. The enemy 6et up powerful rnachinegun  nests on
       the high walls around the palace in order to hamPex  the triendly forceel
       advance frorn all four sided. The Ngo Mon and Phu Van Lau gates of
       the Irnperial Palace were also in enemy hands. The enerny hung large
       flag s frorn these gates.
                         Area F was the southv/estern corner of the Citadel  and
       the operational area of the Marine Battle Group A. It included  the
       populated sections  of Tri  Vu and Thuan Cat bordering on Trieu Quang
       Phuc street in the North, Ton That Thiep street in the West, Le Huan
       otreet in the Ea6t and Tran Binh Trong street leading to Bach Ho
       bridge in the South.

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